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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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September 2023

Plasticine is great for developing our fine motor skills. We transformed little snakes into number 1's.

Role play! Can you guess the roles we took on during our outdoor play!

Red ripe strawberries - we had to hide them from the BIG Hungry Bear!

In our first session of P.E. we learned lots of safety rules, warm up games and how to use space!

1st September - Altogether now!

We had a wonderful day with our friends. Apart from having lots of fun, we learned lots of new things including how to sit and listen at assembly, line up, tidy up, some self-management skills AND.... we even learned how to meditate! smiley

31st August 2023 - Another warm welcome to our second set of Primary 1 children!

Our pirate adventure ended up indoors today!

30th August 2023. A great big welcome to our first set of P1 children!
