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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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We are all winners!

We released the rest of our butterflies!

Outdoor Classroom Day - We sat back to back, closed our eyes and listened quietly!

Outdoor Classroom Day - we made moustaches!

Outdoor Classroom Day - we explored our school environment. We also put out some bird cakes that we made!

Outdoor Classroom day - we read some books and enjoyed playing with each other! We even painted the small rocks we collected on our walk!

W.A.L.T. Use ordinal numbers. Who is 1st? 2nd? 3rd? etc... Thank you Peter for taking the time to help us!

Our butterflies are emerging! We took turns at using the iPad to take some photos!

We had to transfer each chrysalis into our butterfly pavilion!

We used multi-link cubes to make caterpillars. Each caterpillar was made up of a repeating pattern.

We used butterflies to carry out activities on the number bonds to 10.
