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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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8th-12th March

Week Beginning 8th March
P4 Monday 8th March - Literacy

Donuts/Cookies/Muffins - Spellings and sentences/ Brownies/Cupcakes - sound boxes and 3 sentences

P4 Monday 8th March Numeracy


P4 Tuesday 9th March - Literacy
P4 Tuesday 9th March - Numeracy
P4 Wednesday 10th March - Literacy
P4 Wednesday - 10th March Numeracy

P4 Thursday 11th March - Literacy


P4 Thursday 11th March - Numeracy
P4 Friday 12th - Literacy

P4 Friday 12th March - Numeracy


Finding all the possibilities.

Lots of discussion and thinking. Explore with the children before looking at the answers. Do you want to cut the images out? How will you know what ones you've tried? etc

How did you record the answer? What way did you work it out?
