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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Mrs McMeekin's Starbursts

Ancient Egyptian Art 

Pop Art


We explored ‘Pop Art’ by Andy Warhol.  Then created our own based upon our topic of food.  Have a look!

Following our pop art lesson we used the Garage Band App to create accompanying music.

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Positive Posts 


We started our day by writing a 'positive post' to someone at our table.  We received lots of lovely comments and messages.  It was such a nice way to start the day and really put a smile on our faces. 



This month we are learning to:

  • Read and write instructional/explanation texts
  • Recall the key features of instructional texts e.g. the materials or ingredients, the sequential stages, the language of commands
  • Recall the key features of explanation texts e.g. writing in the present text/third person, using temporal and casual conjunctions
  • Identify and use imperative verbs
  • Write in the present tense
  • Use time conjunctions


This month we are learning to:

  • Recite our times tables /divide
  • Use division and multiplication to solve word problems
  • Calculate percentages
  • Add/subtract 3 digit numbers
  • Order decimals
  • Use co-ordinates
  • Interpret bar charts and pie charts
  • Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Use a conjecture’



World Around Us

This month we are learning to:

  • Recall who the Ancient Egyptians were
  • Recall what life was like in Ancient Egypt


This month we are learning to:

  • Define the term ‘trustworthy’
  • Learn more about good listening skills
  • Continue to learn about internet safety


Thinking skills and personal capabilities

This month we are focusing on ‘Thinking, Problem Solving and decision making’.


We will focus on:

  • Asking questions
  • Developing strategies to remember information
  • Recall the difference between ‘fact’ and ‘fiction’
  • Establish if ‘evidence’ is reliable
  • Weigh up ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ to choose the best solutions
  • Find different ways of solving problems
  • Explain my decision making



This month we are learning to:

  • Read and write non-chronological reports 
  • Recall the key features of a non-chronological report e.g. headings, sub-headings, paragraphs, diagrams etc.
  • Identify adjectives/synonyms/antonyms
  • Use apostrophes/commas accurately
  • Identify speech marks in our reading/writing


This month we are learning to:

  • Recite our times tables
  • Use division and multiplication to solve word problems
  • Identify fractions/fractions of numbers/identify equivalent fractions
  • Use co-ordinates
  • Identify angles
  • Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based on this
  • Calculate percentages
  • Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Use a conjecture’


World Around Us

This month we are learning to:

  • Identify foods from around the world
  • Understand the food pyramid /food groups


This month we are learning to:

  • Define the term ‘Love’
  • Develop our knowledge of internet safety


Thinking skills and personal capabilities

This month we are learning to ‘Manage Information’



W.A.L.T. Recall the ‘Times Tables’

We are using hopscotch to develop our recall of the times tables!

The 'Big Garden Birdwatch' 2022





Food Collages

We explored a range of art collages based upon food and then decided to create our own.  These look good enough to eat.  Such colourful work!

Problem Solving

We have been using the strategy ‘Guess, check and improve’ to solve number problems.  We have discovered digit cards are super for working on this strategy. 

Food Glorious Food!


We are really enjoying our new topic ‘Food’.  We have researched lots of local food produce and took some time to make pencil sketches of some of this produce.  Fantastic work everyone! 



This month we are learning to:

  • Read and write non-chronological reports 
  • Recall the key features of a non-chronological report e.g. headings, sub-headings, paragraphs, diagrams etc.
  • Identify adjectives/synonyms
  • Turn words into the plural form by adding –s, -es, -ies accurately
  • Identify speech marks in our reading/writing


This month we are learning to:

  • Recite our times tables
  • Divide
  • Use division and multiplication to solve word problems
  • Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based on this
  • Collect and interpret data
  • Present data in graph form
  • Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Guess, check and improve’


World Around Us

This month we are learning to:

  • Identify local food produce /foods from around the world
  • Identify foods which are imported/exported


This month we are learning to:

  • Define ‘Forgiveness’
  • Identify our skills and strengths


Thinking skills and personal capabilities

This month we are learning to ‘Manage Information’


In November we will be learning:



· Persuasive writing

· Retrieving information from a range of texts

· Sentence openers

· Conclusions

· Bias and opinions

· Grammar and punctuation



  • Fractions
  • Time
  • Adding and subtracting
  • Word problems
  • Times tables



Personal Development and Mutual Understanding– We will be focusing on ‘Resilience’. We will be discussing on difficult feelings. We will be discussing and exploring ' trust'.


World Around Us/Topic– ‘Birds and Flight’. We will be exploring different types of birds, migration and flight.


Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities–We will be working on our ‘Being Creative’ skills.


Paper aeroplane fun as part of our topic 'Birds and Flight'

Making advent wreaths

Halloween Fun!

Our taste test!

Skeleton Fun!

Having fun with the Healthy Kidz

Having fun working together
