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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Team Work - Managing information, writing a report on birds

Managing Information

Working with non-chronological reports



We will be focusing on:

Literacy: Non-Chronological Report writing - structure, layout, heading, sub-headings, paragraphs, diagrams,

High Frequency words - spelling of

Understanding what they read

Identifying speech marks, commas and apostrophes when reading. 

Revising nouns, verbs, adjectives. Sentence structure, 

Numeracy: Mental Maths, times tables, revision of simple addition/subtraction, use of strategies to solve questions, fractions - 1/2, 1/4 (and beyond) of shapes and quantities. Measures - Time

Problem Solving: Guess, Check and Improve

Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities: Managing Information

PDMU - Forgiveness

WAU Topic: Space the children will explore Planets in our Solar System, dwarf planets, astronauts, gravity, space facts, visit the Planetarium,( if permissable) research using I-pads and use their imagination to create.

