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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Primary 4/5 Starbursts

Lockdown Letters

Sustrans with Dave

This is the final activity from Dave. It is called ‘Routes to School’ and is designed to get families thinking about how they will travel to school in September.


Here is a link to the YouTube video:


This is a survey for parents to give some feedback:


The school that the has the most surveys completed wins a prize!

Week 13 - Beginning 22nd June 2020

Super work!

Week 12 - Beginning 15th June 2020

Shipwrecked Instructions by Thomas

Week 11- Beginning 8th June 2020

Week 10 - Beginning 1st June 2020

Holy Communion

Week 9 - Beginning 25th May 2020

Instructional Writing

Week 8 - Monday 18th May 2020

WOW Work!

Holly's Riddle - What am I?

Week 7- 11th May 2020

Well done Ronan!

Week 6 - 4th May 2020

Week 5 - 27th April 2020

Archie's Amazing Bike Art

WOW work!

Jessica's Fabulous Photography

Week 4 - 20th April 2020

Happy Easter!

This week I will be making an Easter card for someone special. I am choosing to send mine to my lovely Mum who is working hard keeping lots of Mums and babies safe. I will send her a picture of the card on Easter Sunday. Is there anyone you would like to send a card to? It could be a keyworker, a neighbour or even someone in your family that you would like to make smile. You could send them a picture just like me and make their day!

Caoimhe's fantastic 'Finish Me' story!

Week 3- 6th April 2020

Week 2 - 30th March 2020

Week 1- 23rd March 2020

School Closure

Each Monday I will be updating my class page with some Literacy and Numeracy activities you may like to try out at home.


I understand not every family has access to a computer/laptop/iPad/or the internet so please feel free to share this information with other parents, if you think it would be helpful.


In addition, I will be linking some worksheets, these do not need to be printed, children could write their answers onto a page, their homework book or alternatively parents could write them out for children if they feel this would be beneficial.

In the event of school closure:


Spellings and Mental Maths targets are in homework books. These can be revised. I have also attached some website links which may be helpful.



Children should focus on the 5 stages of story writing

  • An interesting introduction to hook the reader
  • A paragraph to build the tension
  • A paragraph describing an exciting event or major problem
  • A paragraph to find a resolution
  • A concluding paragraph to tie up loose ends.
    Revision of basic punctuation:
  • Speech marks (big focus)
  • Verbs, adjectives.
  • Identify different types of nouns
  • Commas for lists



  • Revision of written addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Revision of times tables to 12
  • Give children some data and challenge them to display it using bar charts and pie charts.
  • Revision of area and perimeter
  • Money problems
  • Comparison of %, fractions and decimals
  •  Analogue and digital times.

Some useful links:

This term we will be focusing on:

Literacy: Narrative writing

Numeracy: Multiplication, Division, Column Addition and Subtraction, Percentages, Interpreting and Representing Data

Problem Solving: Guess, Check and improve

Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities: Being Creative

Topic: All Around Us


Fire Safety

On Wednesday 11th of March P4/5 had a visit from a local fire fighter. Lee told us all about the Fire Safety Superheroes and how important it is to have a plan at home just like we do in school. All children will be bringing a pack home to discuss with their families as part of their homework.

World Book Day 2020

Mr Pat Tayto

Still image for this video

Mr Pat Tayto

Still image for this video

This term we will be focusing on:

Literacy: Non-chronological report writing

Numeracy: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Time, Interpreting and Representing data

Problem Solving: ISAQ 9

Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities: Managing Information

Topic: Food

This term we will be focusing on:

Literacy: Persuasive writing

Numeracy: Multiplication, Division, Fractions and Analogue, Digital and 24 hour Time

Problem Solving: Working Backwards

Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities: Being Creative

Topic: Birds and Flight

Welcome to Primary 4 and 5

This term we will be focusing on:

Literacy: Recount writing

Numeracy: Adding, Subtracting,2D and 3D shapes, Area and Perimeter

Problem Solving: Look for a pattern

Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities: Self-Management

Topic: Ancient Egypt
