Numeracy Games
We have been using maths games to work on our multiplication/division and time skills.
This half term we are learning to:
- Read and write narratives
- Recall the key features of narrative texts e.g. descriptive language, amazing openings, characters, settings, dilemmas, resolutions etc.
- Read and write poetry
- Identify and use prefixes and suffixes
- Use adjectives to describe settings and characters
- Link adverbs to suffixes and adverbs
- Use apostrophes accurately
- Identify and spell compound words
- Understand the term ‘phrase’ and ‘clause’
- Identify common punctuation marks and respond to them appropriately when reading
- Develop expressive and descriptive language
This half term we are learning to:
- Use division and multiplication to solve word problems
- Develop our addition/subtraction skills within 1000/1000+
- Explore ways of spending money up to £100/Find change within £100
- Find percentages of money
- Explore ways of managing money
- Solve problems based upon measures
- Explore scale
- Find equivalent fractions
- Recall analogue and digital times on the 24 hour clock
- Solve problems based upon time
- Solve problems using the strategies we have covered
World Around Us
This half term we are learning to:
- Identify the continents
- Identify the countries in Europe
- Explore facts about ‘Ancient Greece’
- Create a personal timeline /timeline based upon ‘Ancient Greece’
This half term we are learning to:
- Define the term ‘courage’
- Learn more about friendship
- Continue to learn about internet safety
Thinking skills and personal capabilities
This month we are focusing on ‘Working with others’.
Bike Skills and Games
Dave from Sustrans was in recently to teach us lots of bike skills and games!
Hip Psychology Workshop
Carlos from Hip Psychology visited last week to host a workshop all about resilience. We took away lots of fantastic ideas to help us develop this skill.
Birds, Bugs and Beasts!
To complete our topic we had a very special visit from ‘Party animals NI’ mobile zoo. It was highly informative and interactive. A big 10/10 from Primary 5/6!
This month we are learning to:
- Read and write instructional/explanation texts
- Recall the key features of instructional texts e.g. the materials or ingredients, the sequential stages, the language of commands
- Recall the key features of explanation texts e.g. writing in the present text/third person, using temporal and casual conjunctions
- Identify and use imperative verbs
- Write in the present tense
- Use time conjunctions
This month we are learning to:
- Recite our times tables /divide
- Use division and multiplication to solve word problems
- Calculate percentages /fractions /decimals
- Order decimals
- Use co-ordinates /compass points
- Interpret line graphs and pie charts
- Read the analogue and digital clock
- Solve problems based upon time
- Solve problems based upon money
World Around Us
This month we are learning to:
- Identify natural and human resources
- Recall where electricity and other energy resources come from
- Identify renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
This month we are learning to:
- Define the term ‘trustworthy’
- Stay safe online
- Identify where money comes
Thinking skills and personal capabilities
We are learning to ‘Be Creative’
- We can use our imagination
- We can find different ways of doing things
- We know that other people can help us develop ideas
- We can keep trying until we find the best way of doing things
- We can alter plans if original ideas don’t work out
- We know it’s ok to make mistakes
Shared Education Trip to W5
Children’s Mental Health Week 2023
As part of ‘Children’s Mental Health Week’ 2023 we talked lots about our feelings and emotions. We also discussed how it is important to be kind to ourselves. We created these Growth mindset rocks.
The Big Garden Birdwatch
After spotting lots of interesting birds we created some art work based upon our observations.
The 'Big Garden Birdwatch' 2023
This month we are learning to:
- Read and write non-chronological reports
- Recall the key features of a non-chronological report e.g. headings, sub-headings, paragraphs, diagrams etc.
- Identify adjectives/synonyms/antonyms/nouns
- Understand the term ‘conjunction’ and suggest alternatives
- Turn words into the plural form by adding –s, -es, -ies accurately
- Identify and insert speech marks in our reading/writing
This month we are learning to:
- Recite our times tables
- Divide by known tables with and without remainders
- Use division and multiplication to solve word problems /find fractions of amounts
- Order fractions and numbers 9999-99999
- Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based on this
- Calculate change and solve word problems based upon money
- Collect and interpret data
- Present data in graph form
- Add and subtract fractions
- Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Finding all possibilities’.
World Around Us
This month we are learning to:
- Identify habitats/minibeasts/birds
- Identify how living things rely upon each other in the living world
This month we are learning to:
- Define ‘Forgiveness’ and develop our understanding of ‘resilience’
- Identify our skills and strengths
Thinking skills and personal capabilities
This month we are learning to ‘Problem Solve and make decisions’
- We can ask clear questions
- We have strategies to help us remember information
- We can compare and contrast
- We know the difference between fact and fiction
- We can decide if evidence is reliable
- We can understand the reasons for events
- We can find different ways to solve problems
We are learning to:
- Read and identify the key features of ‘’Persuasive writing’
- Write persuasively in letters, posters etc.
- Understand bias
- Check for grammatical sense and accuracy by re-reading own writing; identify errors and suggest alternative constructions
- Identify /use commas appropriately
- Understand the difference between direct and reported speech
- Use alliteration to write persuasively
- Identify homographs
- Infer the meaning of unknown words
We are learning to:
- Recite our times tables
- Use division and multiplication to solve word problems
- Develop our ability to subtract vertically
- Understand relationships between all coins and notes
- Understand and use decimal recording of amounts of money up to £100
- Calculate change required when buying items, paying with amounts up to £100
- Develop our ability to enter quantities of money into a calculator
- Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based upon time
- Develop our understanding of the relationship between cm and metres, km and metres
- Understand the relationship between grams and kilograms,
- Convert between tonnes and kg
- Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Reason logically’
World Around Us
We are learning to:
- Identify why people travel
- Identify how travel and transport has evolved over time
- Identify, name and recall facts about the earliest forms of transport
We are learning to:
- Define the term ‘resilience’
- Develop our knowledge of internet safety /’anti-bullying week’
Thinking skills and personal capabilities
We are learning to ‘Be Creative’
- We can use our imagination
- I can find different ways of doing things
- I know that other people can help me develop my ideas
- I can keep trying until I find the best way of doing things
- I can alter my plans if my original ideas don’t work out
- I know it’s ok to make mistakes
We wrote each other a ‘positive post’ as part of Anti-Bullying week. Each person is asked to write something wonderful about a friend. We then share these messages with each other. The messages really put a smile upon our faces!
Odd Socks
We rocked our odd socks for Anti-Bullying Week!
We used our ICT skills and the app ‘Comic Life’ to design some anti-bullying posters.
After finding out all about Anti-Bullying week 2022, we designed our very own information leaflets based on the topic.
Cake Sale
We have ended ‘Maths Week 2022’ with a cake sale. Much fun and treats were had!
We designed and created a range of posters to encourage each other to save!
Managing Money
In small groups we found the best price for a range of items needed to fill up our pencil cases. We noticed a huge variation in prices but we now know how to spot the bargains. We created a table to present out findings. Finally, we worked out just how much all the items cost!
Times Tables Work
We have been working on our times tables outdoors and on the ipads. We love to play bingo to reinforce these also!
This month we are learning to:
- Read, write and identify the key features of ‘Recounts’ including diary entries and newspaper reports
- Identify errors and suggest alternative constructions
- Identify synonyms and adjectives
- Use a dictionary/ thesaurus
- Identify Verbs/adverbs
- Use paragraphs
- Develop our understanding of alphabetical order
This month we are learning to:
- Recite our times tables
- Divide by known times tables
- Mentally subtract from 20/50/100 (bridging the 10 also)
- Subtract using vertical calculations
- Read/write numbers within 9,999/99,999
- Collect and interpret data to create graphs
- Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based on this
- Solve word problems based on the above
- Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Make a list or table’
World Around Us
This month we are learning to:
- Recall facts about the people of the rainforests
- Explore and research plants and flowers of the rainforests
- Name and recall facts about animals found in the rainforests
This month we are learning to:
- Define the term ‘kindness’
- Develop our knowledge of internet safety and listening
Thinking skills and personal capabilities
This month we are learning to ‘work with others’
This involves…
- Organising ourselves when working with others
- Taking turns at different jobs
- Helping other people when they need me to
- Listening to suggestions from others
- Telling others what is good about their work and what they can do to make it even better
- Understanding that it is ok to have different ideas to others
- Working with others to reach a decision
- Helping people reach an agreement if they have different ideas
- Listening to and respecting other people’s ideas
We have been developing our ability to measure accurately!
Welcome to Primary 5/6!
Welcome back to a new school year. I am really looking forward to working with all of the Primary 5 and 6 children! Ms St Clair and Mrs Mawhinney will also be helping out in our classroom. We look forward to a happy, productive and exciting school year!
Below you can see an overview of what we will be learning in September. This will be updated on a monthly basis. You can also view photos of our learning and time together.
This month we are learning to:
- Read, write and identify the key features of ‘Recounts’
- Check for grammatical sense and accuracy by re-reading own writing
- Identify errors and suggest alternative constructions
- Identify synonyms and adjectives
- Identify and spell plurals
- Identify Verbs/adverbs
This month we are learning to:
- Recite our times tables
- Read/write numbers within 9,999/99,999
- Recall number bonds/doubles/near doubles
- Collect and interpret data to create graphs
- Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based on this
- Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Look for a pattern’
World Around Us
This month we are learning to:
- Identify the various locations of the rainforests around the world
- Identify the various layers found within the rainforests
- Name and recall facts about animals/plants found in the rainforests
This month we are learning to:
- Define the term ‘friendship’
- Develop our knowledge of internet safety
Thinking skills and personal capabilities
This month we are learning to ‘Self-Manage’
This involves…
- Working by ourselves and with others
- Planning what we need to do to get our work done on time
- Checking our work
- Learning self-help strategies
- Recognising what we are good at and figuring out how we can improve our work
- Setting targets for ourselves
- Evaluating our work