Friday 5th March
Good morning boys and girls!
Happy Friday! Hope to see you all at 10 o’clock. Don’t forget you can bring your favourite book along to our zoom assembly today or any characters you might have made. If you want to dress as your favourite character you can do that too.
Please check below for the details. J
Zoom Code
Time: Fri 5th, 2021 10:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 584 646 1757
Passcode: LE0Vx5
3 more sleeps until we see each other in school! I cannot wait!
Mrs McMeekin
Thursday 4th March
Morning Boys and Girls!
Today is ‘World Book Day’ and Isla's birthday. A very happy birthday Isla! What a great day to have your birthday. I am looking forward to singing happy birthday tomorrow during assembly!
'World Book Day' is a day set aside each year to celebrate books, authors, and reading! You can read anywhere and everywhere. Below I have listed some ideas you could try to get reading!
Why not try….
I would love to see some pictures of you reading.
Below are some websites which have a lovely range of books for you to listen to or read. You may want to dress up as your favourite character from a book today and if you wish you can wear your costume or show your favourite book during assembly on Friday. I love to get book recommendations.
The other activity suggested on Monday involved taking a potato and turning it into a book character.
I have included a little quiz below all about books. Can you guess the book from the clues?
You can do any of these activities for ‘World Book Day’. Have fun!
Please continue to send me pictures of your work. I do need some photographs of your work every week. Your helper can send them to
Happy reading!
Wednesday 3rd March
Morning Boys and Girls!
I hope you all enjoyed your P.E. on zoom yesterday.
It’s Wellbeing Wednesday! Today why not read a little. It is a great mindfulness activity and tomorrow is ‘World Book Day’. It would be lovely to receive some pictures of you reading. You could read to a pet, your favourite teddy or someone in your home.
Thank you for the photographs of your work. Keep your comments for our star Cadhla coming! Your helper can send them to
Have fun and enjoy your week!
Mrs McMeekin
Tuesday 2nd March
Morning Boys and Girls!
Hope you are all well and looking forward to our zoom P.E. session today. See below for all the details.
10:00 am – 10:30 am
Join Zoom meeting
Meeting ID: 749 8872 8128
Passcode: 8izNcb
Please keep your comments coming for our star Cadhla. I can’t wait to read these out on Friday.
Yesterday, we spent some time reading outside in the sun. We had some special guests. Lots of teddies. They were very good listeners. J
Please continue to send me pictures of your work. Your helper can send them to
Have fun and enjoy your week!
Mrs McMeekin
Week beginning Monday 1st March
Morning Boys and Girls!
I hope you enjoyed your weekend. The weather was just lovely.
We will be having a zoom meeting this morning at 10.00. This will help me outline our work for the week and say hello.
Meeting ID: 584 646 1757
Passcode: LE0Vx5
On Thursday it is ‘World Book Day’. It is a day set aside each year to celebrate books, authors, and reading! You can read anywhere and everywhere. I have listed some ideas you could try to get reading! I am trying very hard to spend more time reading too. I love to read.
Why not try….
I would love to see some pictures of you reading.
In addition, I have added some websites below which have a lovely range of books for you to listen to or read. You may want to dress up as your favourite character from a book on Thursday and if you wish you can wear your costume or show your favourite book during assembly on Friday. I love to get book recommendations.
I also spotted another fun activity. This involves taking a potato and turning it into a book character. You could make your potato into one of the three little pigs, Isadora Moon, the BFG. You can paint and decorate the potato by adding eyes, costumes etc. You could even add props or a speech bubble.
You can do any of these activities for ‘World Book Day’. Have fun!
Please continue to send me pictures of your work. I do need some photographs of your work every week. Your helper can send them to
Remember to do what you can from your weekly activities. Additional activities have been added under the titles of extensions and challenges. You do not have to do these. They are only if you feel you need some additional challenges. As always don’t feel under pressure to complete every single task. Remember to take time outdoors and play a lot too!
Have fun and enjoy your week!