Please remember, you do not need to print everything. The links are ideas. Lots of discussion is so important. Thanks.
DAILY – RMeasimaths - well done on all your hard work!
MENTAL MATHS – (remember to include 0 in your counting!)
Continue to reinforce skills already learning, i.e. rote counting forwards and backwards; counting forwards (in ones) from different starting points , eg. Start at 2 and count up to 12 etc; counting backwards (in ones) from different starting points , eg. Start at 12 and count back to 1 etc; adding 1 / adding 0 / adding 2 to numbers within 5, 10 / beyond. Remember to focus on the language ‘and’; ‘altogether makes’; ‘plus’; ‘1 more’; ‘equals’.
Answer these questions on adding 0, 1 and 2:
SUBTRACTION - W.A.L.T. Take away 1
PRACTICAL – digit cards
• Continue to reinforce the following practical activities: ordering all of your numbers forwards / backwards and
ordering random numbers from smallest to biggest / biggest to smallest.
NEW FOCUS: W.A.L.T. Use the words ‘more’ and ‘fewer’ to compare two sets of objects. Click on the links below.
Estimate means to have a guess. Remember to use the word ‘estimate’ when trying out the following activities.
1. Estimate how many times you can write the word ‘went’ in 30 seconds. Have a sensible guess and write it down. Then an adult can time you writing the word for 30 seconds. When your time is up, count carefully how many times you have written the word ‘went’ and record the actual amount.
2. Estimate how many of your classmates names you can say in 30 seconds. Remember to record your estimate and then write your actual total.
3.Click on the link below to carry out some more activities.
Click on One Coin, then focus on paying with 1p / 2p coins.