Hello folks!!
I hope you all are keeping well and being good.
As we begin our final week of Home Learning I want to thank you for all the examples of your fantastic work you have been able to send me over the last few months. I have very much enjoyed seeing how well you have been keeping up with your work during these strange times.
Many thanks for all your theme park work you were able to send in.(see below) I very much enjoyed receiving them all!!
Also well done to all those who were able to meet their Accelerated Reader targets.
In our Literacy work this week I have added two punctuation and grammar revision activities.
This week in your Numeracy work, we have our Mental Maths practice and we will continue to look at using our Numeracy skills in real life situations. I have given you details of a project I would like to try which involves planning your own holiday.
As always do what you can.
Take care, be good and stay safe!
Mr Tighe.
Focussed Guidance for week beginning
Monday 23rd June
Mental Maths: I have added below two sets of Mental Maths activities that can be completed during the week. Try and complete one or two sections a day. These activities cover a wide range of processes that the children should be familiar with and I have added an easier version for any children finding the main activity too difficult.
Children should be encouraged to read as much as possible for their own enjoyment. It is also very important that children should be quizzing regularly on the Accelerated Reader, in order to show their understanding. Online ebooks can be accessed using the link below.
Children should also be given short tasks to complete which are all aimed at giving the children the opportunity to show their understanding. Suggested activities include:
See the next spelling set listed below. Children should group their spellings according to sounds and write sentences with their spellings in order to show that they understand the word's meaning. Children should revise spellings each day and be tested on Friday.
This week I have set two revision exercises to test your grammar and punctuation.
Our Numeracy focus continues on being able to use our Numeracy skills in real life situations. I have set a project for you to plan your own summer holiday. You must decide where you are going, where you will be staying and what activities you will complete. This all has to be done within a budget.