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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Mrs McMeekin's Starbursts

Children's Mental Health Week 2025

Positive Posts 


We wrote lovely comments for a friend to make them feel good.  Look at our reactions!

Dress to express!!!


On Thursday we dressed to express our individuality, talents and interests.

Learning through games! 

It is important to play.






We are learning to:

  • Read and identify the key features of ‘’Persuasive writing’
  • Write persuasively in letters, posters etc.
  • Understand bias
  • Check for grammatical sense and accuracy by re-reading own writing; identify errors and suggest alternative constructions
  • Identify /use commas appropriately
  • Understand the difference between direct and reported speech
  • Use alliteration to write persuasively
  • Identify homophones
  • Infer the meaning of unknown words


We are learning to:

  • Recite our times tables
  • Use division and multiplication to solve word problems
  • Gather /analyse data and create graphs
  • Read, write and sequence decimals
  • Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based upon time
  • Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Make a list or table’


World Around Us

We are learning to:

  • Identify why people travel
  • Identify how travel and transport has evolved over time
  • Identify, name and recall facts about the earliest forms of transport


We are learning to:

  • Define the term ‘resilience’ and ‘empathy’
  • Develop our knowledge of internet safety /’anti-bullying week’


Thinking skills and personal capabilities

We are learning to ‘Work with others’

Anti-Bullying Week

This week is Anti-Bullying Week.  The theme this year is 'Respect'.  We started the week with an interactive, online workshop with Hip Psychology.  

Literacy Workshop

We enjoyed a workshop with local author Declan Carville.  We listened to his story 'The Magic Harp' and had a great discussion based upon it and his many other books.  


Multiplication Flowers 

Leaf Measuring


We measured to find the longest/widest leaves.  We had to problem solve to figure out a way to display our findings.  Then we analysed the measurements.

Maths Games

We explored a range of Maths activities in the hall.  Concepts including symmetry, tessellation and number were all revised.



We are learning to:

  • Read, write and identify the key features of ‘Recounts’
  • Check for grammatical sense and accuracy by re-reading own writing; identify errors and suggest alternative constructions
  • Identify synonyms and adjectives
  • Identify and spell plurals
  • Identify Verbs/adverbs




We are learning to:

  • Recite our times tables
  • Revise addition/subtraction skills
  • Identify 2D shapes and their properties
  • Recognise and draw lines of symmetry
  • Identify angles
  • Measure and convert cm to m and vice versa
  • Calculate the perimeter of objects
  • Recall analogue and digital times/solve problems based on this
  • Solve word problems on all of the above
  • Solve problems by using the strategy ‘Draw a picture’/’look for a pattern’


World Around Us

We are learning to:

  • Identify on a map where the rainforests are
  • Identify the key features of the rainforests



We are learning to:

  • Define the term ‘friendship’, ‘kindness’, ‘working with others’ and ‘self management’
  • Develop our knowledge of internet safety


Active Mental Math

We like to move whilst learning out times tables!
