Welcome to our Homework Activity Page!
Please find below your homework activities to be carried out over the course of the week. Try to do a little every night and no more than 10-15mins maximum per night. I have added a few extra links below to assist you as well. For your learning homework you have specific targets to practice. These targets are mentioned on your diary and will be tested on Friday. Every child has access to a Maths program called RMeasimaths. We are using this program in class. It would be great if this was also supported at home for 10-15 minute sessions three times per week. You will need adobe flash player and it will only work on laptops and computers. Remember to wear your P.E kit to school on Thursday. (Jogging bottoms or leggings, blue polo shirt, trainers, plus your school jumper / or cardigan). Remember to record all the healthy activities you get up to at home on the Healthy Kidz App. Enjoy!
Have a good week!