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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Primary 4/5 Starbursts

Fire Safety


On Thursday the 21st of June we were lucky enough to have Lee from Banbridge Fire Station come to our class to give us a talk on fire safety.

He spoke to us about the importance of having an escape plan in our homes.

Each child was given a ‘safety pack’ which is designed to get the fire message across in a fun and effective way.

Fire safety concerns the whole family, please look through the pack with your child and complete the home check-list.




Primary 4 and 5 have been working on the ‘Exhibit’ skill within ICT. They had to research Ireland for our ‘All around Us’ topic and create a fact filled report on the iPad. They then had to present their report in groups to the rest of our class. Well done boys and girls they were amazing!


The children have been using the ‘Comic Life’ app on the iPads to create comic strips. We are using these to inspire our narrative writing.

It was so lovely having Molly-Jo visit us. We loved learning about the similarities and differences between our school and her school in France.

It was definitely a ‘Fun Friday’ because Primary 4/5 had filled up their Magic Marble Jar for the second time and enjoyed a trip to the Park!


by Primary 4 and 5


Every moment is special with you

Ice-skating Queen

Marvellous at Maths

Excellent Eimear

Always kind, caring and looking out for others

Reliable and trustworthy



Reading Focus- Inference


Observations occur when we can see something happening. In contrast, inferences are what we figure out based on an experience. Helping children understand when information is implied, or not directly stated, will improve their skill in drawing conclusions and making inferences. These skills will be needed for all subjects. Inferential thinking is a complex skill that will develop over time and with experience.

Asking your child some of these simple questions to help them ‘read between the lines’ will help to develop this habit and progress their understanding.

Mental Math Focus - Time



Each child will continue to work on their individual Mental Math targets, which are checked weekly. In addition, we are focusing on ‘Time’ as a class.

The children carried out a baseline assessment covering analogue, digital and 24 hour time. We will be carrying out the same assessment at the end of March to see progression.

Here are some helpful websites:

Dress up as your Hero!

Our very own Ice-dancing Queen. Good Luck Eimear!

In class we have been working hard on our multiplication and division facts

Some of our talented musicians showcasing their work in class

Primary 4 and 5 have been working hard on their ICT skills, we have been focusing on 'Exhibit' and are presenting our finished PowerPoints to the class, this is just one fantastic example. Well done Elle!

Topic (WAU)

Our topic this half-term is:

‘Birds and Flight’


Our current topic is 'Birds and Flight' and we are planning an educational visit to Lough Neagh Discovery Centre where we will have an opportunity to identify and observe birds in their natural habitat.





In Numeracy this half-term we are focusing on:


  • Our individual times tables targets (weekly)

  • Our individual mental math targets (weekly)

  • Understanding multiplication facts as repeated addition and arrays

  • Developing a written method for division calculations

  • Symmetry

  • Handling Data





In Literacy this half-term we are focusing on:

Non-Chronological Reports


Here are the features of reports:



  1. Introductory Paragraph to discuss what the report is going to be about
  2. The text should be organised into sections or paragraphs
  3. Headings
  4. Subheadings
  5. Paragraph breaks
  6. Closing statement to bring the text to a satisfactory conclusion

Language Features:

  1. Written in the present tense (except for historical reports)
  2. Formal, impersonal style (use the passive voice to get this tone. E.g. 'Birds of prey hunt small animals' becomes 'Small animals are hunted by birds of prey')
  3. Include technical vocabulary related to the topic
  4. Descriptive language used factually to describe and clarify rather than for vividness and effect
  5. All statements based on fact, rather than value judgement


We are currently creating non-chronological report PowerPoints on garden birds.

Stay tuned!


In Numeracy we have been measuring using Standard and Non-standard units

Ancient Egyptian artwork

Primary 4 and 5 visit the Ulster Museum in Belfast
