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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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As part of our WAU topic "Rescue at Sea," we have been learning about how important it is to keep safe near water. Today we had a visit from three volunteers from the Lough Neagh Recue Service.

Manus, Jim and David came along to our school to answer questions from, maybe, our future volunteers!

One little volunteer was even more excited than all the rest as her Dad was one of them! smiley

What a great morning. Thank you Manus, Jim and David. 

Tinfoil boats


Each group was given a piece of tinfoil. We had to plan, design and make a boat that would be strong enough to hold lego characters. Whose would hold the most? We had to think about our design carefully before we began as we were only getting one piece of tinfoil. We had great fun as you can see from our photos!
