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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Primary 3/4 Flying Saucers

Pirate Play


As part of our pirate topic we get to have creative play. Each week we rotate around a different activity and use our imagination to have pirate fun, create pirates and ships. Just look what we can do!

Earth Day


We had a lovely Earth Day. We made trees, animals, insects and much more out of our play doh.

We planted some more seeds and made sure they had plenty of water.

We drew Creation posters for Grow in Love and gave thanks to God for our wonderful world.

P3 Fun  15th-19th March

Amazing Animal Reports

Our Shape Superheroes - We had great fun exploring 2D shapes and designing a superhero from them!

Healthy Eating Week - Our healthy food plate and working together to sort healthy and unhealthy.

Superheroes - We designed a hero then made it out of our clay.

Superworm is super strong and super long! Rhythm and rhyme and being able to adapt to circumstances

Be Safe, Be Seen!

Superbat - we read a story called Superbat. He wanted to be a hero. Using our individual modelling clay we had great fun creating Superbat and the little mice he saved.
