- continuing to read for enjoyment and understanding.
Focus - inference - Can your child read beyond the lines?
" An inference is an idea or conclusion that's drawn from evidence and reasoning."
"Readers who make inferences use the clues in the text along with their own experiences to help them figure out what is not directly said, making the text personal and memorable."
On-going - use of capital letters, full stops.
- reading with fluency and expression
- identify speech marks in reading and understand their purpose
- identify nouns, adjectives, verbs
- understand distinction between fiction and non-fiction
- spelling patterns
Writing Genres
Explanation writing
- use a variety of organisational devices - arrows, lines, boxes
- produce simple flow charts/diagrams that explain a process
- understand how paragraphing is used to organise ideas
- compare how information can be presented.
Instructional writing
- know what an instructional text is
- understand it can come in different forms, eg: recipes, plans, rules
- use of imperative (bossy/command) verbs
- write instructions
- importance of correct sequence
- weekly targets in homework book
Focus - time
o'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to,
5 minute intervals past/to the hour
read analogue and digital
Problem Solving strategy - Look for a pattern
On-going - numbers within 100, 1000 addition/subtraction
2D, 3D shape
quarter turns, half turns, full turn, clockwise, anti-clockwise
counting in 2s, 5s 10s and connect to times tables
PDMU (Personal Development and Mutual Understanding)
Word of the month - LOVE
- continuing topic of Space
Visit to Armagh Planetarium
Come inside!
We hope you enjoy a glimpse of what goes on in our classroom. There is a lot of learning taking place!
January – Literacy
Non-chronological Report Writing
Title, sub- headings, paragraphs, interesting facts.
Reading with expression. Taking notice of punctuation. Understanding what we read by asking and answering questions.
January – Numeracy
Problem solving – Look for a pattern.
Measuring using non-standard units.
Finding half of shapes and objects.
Vertical subtraction – using tu, htu
3D shape
World Around Us
Topic - Space
Fact finding, planets, gravity, astronauts, space travel