Week beginning Monday 22nd June
Dear Boys and Girls,
I hope you have had a good week. I have been very busy and I took a little visit to school. It is just too quiet there without you all.
I have been looking though photographs of our school year and thinking about all the good fun and memories we have shared. I have put these pictures into a special video which you will be able to see very soon on the website. I hope you like it as much as I do.
This week we have been out on our bicycles a lot. My little girl hopes to get the stabilisers off her bike very soon. Fingers crossed. We spotted our first ladybird of the year too. In a nearby pond we also took some time to watch the baby ducklings swimming with their family. It was just lovely.
For anyone with a birthday this week, have a really lovely day.
Thank you for all your fabulous photographs. Keep them coming and keep up the hard work!
Mrs McMeekin
Mental Maths
Number recognition
Tally marks and block graphs – Handling Data
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
Word problems – Don’t forget to draw a picture to help if you need to!
I am 2 more than 8. What am I?
I am 3 less than 10. What am I?
There are 6 balloons at a party. Joe gives his friend 3. How many are left?
A pencil costs 5p and a rubber costs 5p. How much altogether?
A book costs £4 and a comic costs £2. How much altogether?
Lucy has 18 pencils. John has half that amount. How many does he have?
Problem Solving – Draw a picture to solve the problem
There are 5 passengers on a bus. At the next stop 4 more get on. At the next stop 6 get on. How many on the bus altogether?
Draw a picture to solve the problem. You might be able to work out your answer without drawing a picture but draw a picture to check.
Letter name/sound
Revise the letter names, sounds and formation for:
w y z
Continue to work on the words you have in your little A5 booklets/pupil support books.
Choose one of your reading books to read. Try to:
Continue to revise all of the spellings you have been given from the beginning of the school year.
Where appropriate practise turning your spellings into the plural form e.g. cat becomes cats. Explore which words can have –ing added to them.
Word search
Look for the words in the word search below. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-l-526927-year-2-common-exception-words-word-search-activity-pack - word search 2
Look at the comprehension pages below. Decide which one you would be able to read as independently as possible. Read and answer the questions based on sun and beach safety.
Think about what you have learned from reading the comprehension. Write some of these facts.
Think about how you would make your bed. In your own words tell someone at home how you would do this. Use the language associated with instructions.
Explore activity 4 of the powerpoint below. Discuss and answer the questions to develop inference skills. If you wish you can write your answers down.
Topic work/creative work
Ask your helper to help you read the powerpoint about rock pools below. Discuss the information. Draw and label a rock pool.
Outdoors Idea
Practise sprinting, jumping, hopping and skipping. You could play some music in the background like we do in school.
Continue to do your best boys and girls as you always do.
Week beginning Monday 15th June
Dear Boys and Girls,
I hope you have had a lovely week. A big hello to you all!
I went for a lovely nature walk on Tuesday and saw lots of squirrels and rabbits. Probably the most I’ve ever seen.
This Thursday is international picnic day. Why not take your lunch outside if the weather is nice. You could bring your teddy bear with you. I love a picnic. Especially a picnic with some treats, like chocolate J
For anyone with a birthday this week, have a really lovely day.
Thank you for all your fabulous photographs. Keep them coming and keep up the hard work!
Mrs McMeekin
Mental Maths
Counting in tens
Subtracting ten/tens
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
Can you tell your helper any other words which mean take away?
Subtract, decrease, difference between, minus, less than.
20 - 10 = 40 - 10 = 50 - 10 = 80 - 10 =
31 - 10 = 32 - 10 = 44 - 10 = 55 - 10 =
33 - 30 = 45 - 20 = 61 - 20 = 27 - 20 =
56 - 20 = 27 - 20 = 33 - 30 = 44 - 20 =
Tally Marks – Handling Data
Think of something you could create a tally for. Design your tally chart on your whiteboard and complete it e.g. favourite foods in your house, favourite sports etc.
Word problems
David has 19 jelly beans. He eats 10. How many does he have now?
John has 21p and spends 10p. How much does he have now?
Jason is 30. His brother is 10 years younger than him. What age is his brother?
There are 32 crayons in a box. 10 are broken. How many are not broken?
Problem Solving – Draw a picture to solve the problem
Mary bakes 10 buns. She puts 3 smarties on each and a haribo in the middle.
How many smarties does Mary use?
How many haribo does she use?
How many sweets does she use altogether?
She gives half the buns to her brother. How many does she give him?
Letter name/sound
Revise the letter names, sounds and formation for:
x l n
Continue to work on the words you have in your little A5 booklets/pupil support books.
Choose one of your reading books to read. Try to:
Continue to revise all of the spellings you have been given from the beginning of the school year.
Where appropriate practise turning your spellings into the plural form e.g. cat becomes cats. Explore which words can have –ing added to them.
Word search
Look for the words in the word search below. https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resource/t-l-526927-year-2-common-exception-words-word-search-activity-pack
Look at the comprehension pages below. Decide which one you would be able to read as independently as possible. Read and answer the questions based on the layers of the ocean.
Think about what you have learned from reading the comprehension. Write some of these facts.
Think about how you would make a jam sandwich. In your own words tell someone at home how you would do this. Use the language associated with instructions.
Explore activity 3 outlined in the powerpoint below. Draw a picture to match the description.
Topic work/creative work
Draw and colour a poster to show how others can protect the oceans and seashore.
Outdoors Idea
Complete the tree tally below.
Continue to do your best boys and girls as you always do.
Week beginning Monday 8th June
Dear Boys and Girls,
I hope you have had a good week. I cannot believe we are into the second week of June. It has been a long time since I have seen you all but I am thinking about you every day and all the fun we shared in class.
The month of June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart. There is a special little prayer you can say this month or indeed at any time. It is:
O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you.
O Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you.
I remember learning this prayer when I was your age. My granny taught it to me. It is a little prayer you can say if you are ever worried about anything. It helps to remind us that Jesus is always with us.
Monday 8th June is ‘World Oceans Day’. On this day I would like you to have a really good think about what we can do to protect the oceans and seas. We have already chatted about litter and how harmful it is to sea life. I know you will have great ideas.
The photographs of all the treats created this week were amazing. I hope you enjoyed making and eating them.
For anyone with a birthday this week, have a really lovely day.
Thank you for all your fabulous photographs. Keep them coming and keep up the hard work!
Mrs McMeekin
Mental Maths
Counting in tens
Adding ten/tens
20 + 10 = 40 + 10 = 50 + 10 = 80 + 10 =
31 + 10 = 32 + 10 = 44 + 10 = 55 + 10 =
33 + 30 = 45 + 10 = 61 + 20 = 17 + 40 =
56 + 40 = 27 + 20 = 33 + 30 = 44 + 10 =
Sorting – Venn Diagrams
Word problems
Donna has 9 jelly beans. She gets 10 more. How many does she have now?
Joseph has 21 crayons and gets 10 more. How many does he have now?
Jay says his brother is ten years older than him. Jay is 9. What age is his brother?
Lee’s house number is 21. Rory’s house number is 20 more than this. What is Rory’s house number?
Problem Solving – Draw a picture to solve the problem
In two flower beds there are 10 bumble bees. Draw some pictures to show how many bumble bees might be in each flower bed.
e.g. 8 in one flower bed and 2 in the other
Letter name/sound
Revise the letter names, sounds and formation for:
j e v
Continue to work on the words you have in your little A5 booklets/pupil support books.
Choose one of your reading books to read. Try to:
Continue to revise all of the spellings you have been given from the beginning of the school year.
Where appropriate practise turning your spellings into the plural form e.g. cat becomes cats. Explore which words can have –ing added to them.
Word search
Look for the topic words in the word search below.
Look at the comprehension pages below. Decide which one you would be able to read as independently as possible. Read and answer the questions based on the beach habitat.
Think about what you have learned from reading the comprehension. Write some of these facts.
Think about how you would build a sandcastle. In your own words tell someone at home how you would do this. Use the language associated with instructions.
Explore the second photograph of the powerpoint below. Discuss and answer the questions to develop inference skills. If you wish you can write your answers down.
Topic work/creative work
Explore which materials are waterproof and those which are not. Think about objects which float and sink. Design a boat from junk materials which would float. I can’t wait to see your creations!
Outdoors Idea
Create your own den outside.
Count how many birds you see in 5 minutes. Can you name any of them?
Continue to do your best boys and girls as you always do.
Week beginning Monday 1st June
Dear Boys and Girls,
I hope you have had a great week in the sunshine. The weather has been amazing.
This week we are having a ‘Bake off’ competition. We are encouraging you all to bake something and send in your photographs to post on the school website. I cannot wait to see these pictures. I feel hungry just thinking about all the delicious treats. There is so much learning to be gained from baking too. From measuring and counting to reading and following instructions. Have fun and good luck!
For anyone with a birthday this week, have a really lovely day.
Thank you for all your fabulous photographs. Keep them coming and keep up the hard work!
Mrs McMeekin
Mental Maths
Counting in tens
Sorting – Carroll Diagrams
Word problems
Danny has 5 jelly beans. He gets 10 more. How many does he have now?
Jo counts backwards in tens. She says “42, 32, 22 ?” What number will she say next?
Zoe gives a clue to her age by saying “I am 10 years younger than Mary”. Mary is 21. What age is Zoe?
Problem Solving – Draw a picture to solve the problem
At the seashore there are two rock pools. There are 5 starfish in total between both rock pools. Draw some pictures to show how many star fish might be in each rock pool.
e.g. 2 in one rock pool 3 in the other
Letter name/sound
Revise the letter names, sounds and formation for:
g k b
Continue to work on the words you have in your little A5 booklets/pupil support books.
Choose one of your reading books to read. Try to:
Begin revising all of the spellings you have been given from the beginning of the school year.
Where appropriate practise turning your spellings into the plural form e.g. cat becomes cats. Explore which words can have –ing added to them.
This week we are having our ‘Bake off’. Think about what you will make with your family. Find the recipe you will use and explore it.
Look for:
When you make your cakes/buns etc. Take a photograph and send it to us. I cannot wait to see what you make.
Then you could write your recipe in your own words. It would be lovely to be able to put these into a little book when we return to school. Then we can try lots of different recipes.
Good luck!
Explore slide one of the powerpoint below. Discuss and answer the questions to develop inference skills. If you wish you can write your answers down.
Topic work
Most living things need sunlight, water, air, food and shelter to survive. Think about the seashore. Make a list of things which are living/not living that you might find on the seashore.
Outdoors Idea
Look for living/non-living things outdoors.
Creative work
This will incorporate your baking work this week.
Continue to do your best boys and girls as you always do.
Activities, links and advice in the event of the school closing:
This month we are learning to:
*Read and spell HFW and words with:
-y -i_e -igh
-aw -au -o -al
-oy -oi
(See this months spelling overview)
*Read with expression, noting punctuation marks
*Retell stories
*Develop our inference skills
*Create story maps and write stories
Follow the link below to access the Lexia Literacy Programme. Children have all been given their login details to take home along with guidance letter.
Again all children will receive login details today.
*Try putting your spellings into sentences after practising on your laminated sheet. Use your word grid in your pupil support book to help.
* www.starfall.com have lots of stories and poems to read online. Read these and discuss characters, settings and the plot. Retell the stories also.
*To develop inference skills talk about how characters are feeling. Explain your thinking.
*Read your favourite story and draw a story map.
*Write your own story with a beginning, middle and end. Add interesting characters, a setting and a plot.
This month we are learning to:
*Count forwards and backwards in odd numbers within 20/30/50/100
*Read and write half past times in analogue and digital. Solve problems based upon time.
*Use Numicon to add and subtract up to 3 numbers
*Name and draw 3D shapes
*Compare objects for length, weight and capacity
Follow the link below to access RMeasi maths. Children have all been given their login details to take home.
When logging in please note that you should use username@Colman144 followed by the child's password.
*Use the 100 square in your pupil support book to count forwards and backwards in odd numbers. Look for odd numbers around the house.
*Go to topmarks.co.uk - telling the time in words
*snappymaths.com - o'clock and half past interactive mad maths
*Roll 3 dice and add the numbers. Go to topmarks.co.uk - number fact families
*Look for 3D shapes around the house. Count the faces of the shapes. Look at the shape of the faces also. Use the 3D shape page in your pupil support book to help. Explore which of the shapes will 'roll', 'stack' or 'slide'.
*Practise measuring items with your ruler
This month we are:
*Exploring our new topic 'Africa'
* Find Africa on a map
* Find the other continents /oceans on a map and learn their names
* Retell the story of Handa's Surprise to your family
This month we are learning to be creative
*Experiment with your ideas when writing your story and drawing your story map.
This month we are learning to:
This month we are learning to:
This month we are:
This month we are learning to:
This month we are learning to:
World Around Us
This month we are:
This month we are learning to:
This month we are learning to:
World Around Us
This month we are:
This month we are learning to:
This month we are learning to:
World Around Us
This month we are beginning our topic ‘Ourselves’
Thinking skills and personal capabilities
This month we are working on our self-management skills. We are learning to: