Welcome to our Primary 2 Page
Here you can access an overview of what we are learning in school. You can find photos and videos by clicking on the star icons above. We hope you enjoy looking at all the lovely photos and videos of our lovely Primary 2's!
November & December
This month we are learning to:
- Spell CVC words e.g., hat, box, sit etc.
- Spell VCC words e.g., ant, ask, and etc.
- Spell CVCC words e.g., hand, last, jump etc.
- Read and spell High Frequency words
- Identify and suggest rhyming words
- Write sentences with capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.
- Children will explore different punctuation used at the end of a sentence.
- Use persuasive language orally and in writing
This month we are learning to:
- Count forwards and backwards within 20/50/100
- Recognise, read and write numbers within 20/50/100
- Add 0, 1 and 2 within 10/20/30
- Identify 2D shapes
- Identify coins and understand their value
- Develop an understanding of 'light' and 'heavy’
- Develop an understanding of ‘short’ and ‘long’
- Solve word problems based on what we are learning
- Solve problems based on the strategy ‘Working Backwards’
World Around Us/Topic:
This month we are continuing our topic ‘Let's Celebrate’.
Personal Development & Mutual Understanding
This month we are learning to:
Be resilient. Resilience develops when children experience challenges and learn to deal with them positively.
Thinking skills and Personal Capabilities
This month we are working on our ability to ‘Be Creative’.