In January / February we are learning to:
- Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories
- Recite the days of the week
- Count forwards from 1, within 10
- Count forwards from different starting points, within 10
- recognise, read and write numbers within 7
- touch count sets of objects within 7
- match sets to numerals
- make sets within 7
- know the number after, before / in between within 7
- identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 7
- order a set of consecutive numbers within 7 (increasing and decreasing)
- combine sets to find a total, within 7
- understand one to one correspondence by matching
- recognise and name a circle, a cylinder, triangle, a square, a rectangle, a pentagon, a hexagon, a cube / a cuboid
- Copy and complete repeating patterns
- use money in the context of play
- sort coins in a variety of ways
- understand and use the language associated with length, weight, capacity and time
- sort, without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting.
- help to create / complete a graph
- read information from a graph.
- Our Problem-Solving focus for January is ‘Reason Logically’.
Our Problem-Solving focus for February is ‘Find all the possibilities’.
- Our topic for January is: ‘Winter’.
- Our topic for February is: ‘The Arctic’.
- Our January word of the month is ‘Forgiveness’.
- Our February word of the month is ‘Love’.
In January / February we are learning to:
- Choose the best questions for finding things out
- being good at using what we already know to help us in our work
- listen to others to get good ideas
- make a plan so we know what to do first and then, next
- know where to find good information
- put information into words or pictures
- change our work so that other people can understand it.