In September we are learning to:
- recount our own experiences, rhymes and stories
- recite rhymes and poems
- listen to and follow instructions
- take turns in conversations and discussions
- recognise the difference between print and pictures
- use pictures to tell a story
- demonstrate reading behaviour when handling books
- understand and use correctly terms about books
- distinguish between writing and drawing in books and in our own work
- use a comfortable and efficient pencil grip
- demonstrate fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and spatial awareness
In September we are learning to:
- Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories
- Recite the days of the week
- Count forwards from 1, within 5
- Count forwards from different starting points, within 5
- recognise, read and write numbers within 2
- touch count sets of objects within 2
- match sets to numerals
- make sets within 2
- understand one to one correspondence by matching
- recognise and name a circle and a cylinder
- look for and talk about patterns in the environment e.g. butterfly wings
- use money in the context of play
- understand and use the language associated with length
- sort, without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting.
- help to create / complete a graph
- read information from a graph.
Problem Solving focus: Draw a picture.
Our topic for September / October is: ‘Changes’.
Our focus is ‘Friendship’.
Our focus is ‘Self-Management’.
We will:
- Talk about what we are doing and what we have learned.
- Focus and persist with tasks.
- Talk about our likes and dislikes.
- Make choices and decisions.
- Ask for help from a friend, my teacher or classroom assistant.