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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

Home Page

Miss Hoy's Dolly Mixtures

Welcome to our P1 Page.


Below you can see an overview of what we will be learning. This will be updated on a monthly basis. You can also view photos and videos of our learning and fun times together by clicking on the star icons below. We hope you love looking at our photos and video clips as much as we do. ENJOY! smiley


Please remember to bring in a painting apron, a raincoat and wellington boots that you can keep in school. We will be using these during our indoor and outdoor Play-based learning.  Thank you. yes



In January / February we are learning to:

  • recount our own experiences, rhymes and  stories
  • use persuasive language during talking / listening and shared writing tasks
  • use basic connectives e.g. ‘because’ orally and in shared writing tasks
  • recite rhymes and poems
  • listen to and follow instructions
  • take turns in conversations and discussions
  • use pictures to tell a story
  • demonstrate reading behaviour when handling books
  • understand and use correctly terms about books
  • distinguish between writing and drawing in books and in our own work
  • use a comfortable and efficient pencil grip
  • demonstrate fine motor skills, hand-eye co-ordination and spatial awareness
  • recognise and write the sounds ‘e’ ‘h’ ‘r’ ‘m’ ‘d’ ‘g’ ‘o’

  • segment and blend syllables in words (tapping, clapping, sorting)
  • blend sounds orally to make simple CVC words
  • read familiar / high frequency words in a variety of contexts.
    In January / February we are learning to:
  • Count orally during number rhymes, jingles and stories
  • Recite the days of the week
  • Count forwards from 1, within 10
  • Count forwards from different starting points, within 10
  • recognise, read and write numbers within 7
  • touch count sets of objects within 7
  • match sets to numerals
  • make sets within 7
  • know the number after, before / in between within 7
  • identify missing numbers in a sequence, within 7
  • order a set of consecutive numbers within 7 (increasing and decreasing)
  • combine sets to find a total, within 7
  • understand one to one correspondence by matching
  • recognise and name a circle, a cylinder, triangle, a square, a rectangle, a pentagon, a hexagon, a cube / a cuboid
  • Copy and complete repeating patterns
  • use money in the context of play
  • sort coins in a variety of ways
  • understand and use the language associated with length, weight, capacity and time
  • sort, without direction, random collections of materials in a range of ways, talk about the sorting.
  • help to create / complete a graph
  • read information from a graph.


  • Our Problem-Solving focus for January is ‘Reason Logically’.

Our Problem-Solving focus for February is ‘Find all the possibilities’.

  • Our topic for January  is: ‘Winter’.
  •  Our topic for February is: ‘The Arctic’.


  • Our January word of the month is ‘Forgiveness’.
  • Our February word of the month is ‘Love’.




In January / February we are learning to:

  • Choose the best questions for finding things out
  • being good at using what we already know to help us in our work
  • listen to others to get good ideas
  • make a plan so we know what to do first and then, next
  • know where to find good information
  • put information into words or pictures
  • change our work so that other people can understand it.