Sunday 3rd May 2020.
Good morning to all our parents and guardians and a great big HELLO to you, Primary One! I hope you continue to remain happy, healthy and safe. Miss McElroy and I miss you so much.
Last week we had another week of beautiful weather. Even the last few April showers didn’t stop me from going out for a walk! I’m sure all the flowers, plants and trees were delighted when it started to rain! You know what it’s like to be thirsty, imagine how they felt with all this beautiful sunshine! Continue to water your plants at home and remember to leave some water out for the birds as well - they get thirsty too! By the way, the photographs for our school competition are absolutely fabulous, well done everyone!
I am still skipping and baking - I made a strawberry cheesecake today for our dessert! Plus, I had more birthday surprises last week too: cards, photographs, presents and flowers - thanks again everyone.
Your home learning activities for the week are set out as before, along with some extra web links. I have added a new WAU section on ‘The Farm' and a new 'Grow in Love' section with activities related to Our Lady, Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Have you made your May altar yet?
Remember the activities and links are only examples of work, to give you some ideas. As I said a way back on week 1 of our home learning, please don’t put too much pressure on yourself or your children. The days and weeks are turning into months now and we still don’t know how long this will continue. It is your choice to do as much or as little as you want. Continue to get lots of exercise, PLAY, bake, walk and spend time in the garden. We are all striving to do the best for the children and I can see by all the photographs that you and your children are doing their very best at home.
Once again boys and girls, please take care and stay safe. Keep sending in your photos and continue to do your best. I’ve added another wee certificate for you below and I will continue to check in on a daily basis with a little note or reminder on our ‘Daily notes from Miss Hoy’ section.
P.S. Just a few reminders:
1. Remember 'Young Writers' need parental permission to publish all those fantastic
riddles you composed earlier in the year. See reminder letter from last week.
Thanks to all those who have already given their permission.
2. Thanks to everyone who sent in a video of their dance moves for International
Dance Day - I really hope that more of you send in your dance videos this week! See Daily hi from Miss Hoy section, 29th April for task. Thanks.
Miss you very much boys and girls.
God bless.
Miss Hoy x