DAILY – RMeasimaths – well done on all your hard work!

Go to to make the calendar for June.
MENTAL MATHS – (remember to include 0 in your counting!)
Continue to reinforce skills already learning, i.e. rote counting forwards and backwards; counting forwards (in ones) from different starting points , eg. Start at 2 and count up to 12 etc; counting backwards (in ones) from different starting points, eg. Start at 20 and count back to 2 etc; adding 1 / adding 0 / adding 2 to numbers within 5, 10 / beyond. Remember to focus on the language ‘and’; ‘altogether makes’; ‘plus’; ‘1 more’; ‘equals’.
Answer these questions on doubles. You might want to draw pictures to help you to solve these problems. Remember when you draw, draw one item at a time and go back and count again. Every time you count, touch the item. E.g. 1, draw another item, count 1, 2, draw another item, count 1, 2, 3, etc.
- 10 turnips are growing in a field. Five are big. How many are small?
- A farmer has brown and white horses. He has six horses altogether. Three of them are brown. How many are white?
- The farmer’s wife made four cupcakes. She put two on a plate and gave some to the farmer. How many cupcakes did she give to the farmer?
PRACTICAL – digit cards
- Take out your digit cards from 1-20. Have a go at ordering your numbers forwards. At school, if we got stuck at ordering numbers we used our numberline or our counting skills. Example: ‘I’m not sure what number comes after 5 so count 1,2,3,4,5 oh yes its 6’.
- When you have done this, can you tell the person helping you what is:
One more than 10, 13, 17?
One less than 9, 15, and 20?
How many tens and ones are in 20?
How many tens and ones are 12?
- If you put your finger on the number 2, how many jumps would you need to get to 10?
- If you put your finger on the number 5, how many jumps would you need to get to 15?
- If you put your finger on the number 12, how many jumps would you need to get to get to 20?
- Try other numbers if you wish. Even go beyond 20.
- Next order your numbers from 20-1.
- If you put your finger on the number 20, how many jumps would you need to get back to 10?
- If you put your finger on the number 10, how many jumps would you need to get to back to 5?
- If you put your finger on the number 5, how many jumps would you need to get back to 1?
- Take out the numbers 10-20. Lay them out on the floor in front of you. Go on a hunt for different objects in your home or outside to count and match the number of objects to a number card, examples match the number 10 to 10 cubes, the number 11 to 11 pieces of pasta, the number 12 to 12 pebbles, the number 13 to 13 paper clips etc.
- Please remember to count and check - this is very important. Remember, at school when we count large amounts, we touch each object with our finger to make sure we are accurate.
- See addition sheets below related to our ‘Chicken Licken’ story.
- See sheet below on subitising. You can print them if you wish, cut out / match all the 1's, 2's etc or if you can't print them just say which number each picture represents.
SUBTRACTION - Try out the following booklet below. Remember you do not need to print the booklet. Plenty of discussion is so important.
Estimate means to have a guess. Remember to use the word ‘estimate’ when trying out the following activities.
1. Estimate how many circles you can draw in 30 seconds. Have a sensible guess and write it down. Then an adult can time you drawing your circles for 30 seconds. When your time is up, count carefully how many times you have written your name and record the actual amount.
2. Estimate how many words you can write from memory in 30 seconds. Remember to record your estimate and then write your actual total.
- 2D Shape – Try out the worksheets below. Look for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / 6 sided shapes in your home.
- 3D Shape – Go on a 3D shape hunt around your home. Try out the worksheets below.
MONEY – Value
- Cheap means we think something doesn’t cost very much.
- Expensive means we think something costs a lot of money.
- Look around your house to try to find things that you think are cheap. Do the same for things that you think are expensive. If you have any catalogues at home cut out items (and their prices) that are cheap and expensive. Stick then onto a page, under the headings ‘Cheap’ and ‘Expensive’.
- Look for 1p, 2p and 5p coins in your home. Which of these coins would you need to buy the following farm foods? Try to make the amounts using only 1p coins first and then with different coins. Eggs 2p, beef 4p, milk 5p and ham 6p.
TIME – Yesterday, today / tomorrow.
- Divide a page into three sections. Write the following words at the top of each section – Yesterday Today Tomorrow.
- Draw something that you did yesterday, that you are doing today and that you might do tomorrow.
- Throughout your daily routines continue to think about the language you use when drawing, measuring, playing with sand / water, building with construction toys, using plasticine, etc. When do you use the following language? Long, short, longer, shorter, heavy, light, heavier, lighter, full, empty, half full, holds more, holds less?
- When you are making your ‘Top Hats’ you will be counting etc and if you bake something for our school competition you will probably use scales to weigh items such as flour and butter and use jugs to measure liquids. Think about the language you will use when you are making your items.