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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Good luck Miss Rooney. We will miss you!

Bye bye Miss Rooney!

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World Down Syndrome Day - We rocked our socks, plus we met our new dolls Daisy and Sam!

W.A.L.T. Sequence numbers.

Green Day! Our focus word was RECYCLING! Check out our busy day! P.S. Miss Hoy’s skirt was made from 100% recycled plastic bottles!

We walked around the school to find the recycling bins! After that we recycled some items in our classroom. We decided to REUSE some for our junk art!

We have a coffee shop in our Garden Centre!

W.A.L.T. Use 1p coins to make different amounts of money to buy items from our garden centre.

W.A.L.T. Follow instructions to make jam sandwiches!

Ash Wednesday

Pancake fun!

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