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St Colman's Bann Primary School

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Primary 3/4 Flying Saucers




  • Writing Genre - Explanation Texts
  • We will learn all about explanation texts. We will write some of our own.
  • We will continue to read for meaning and understanding.
  • We will use our voice to create expression.
  • What we read and write should make sense, when it doesn't we will go back and edit.
  • Add suffixes to words, understand how they alter a word.
  • Use inference to read "between the lines."



  • Problem Solving focus - Make a list/table
  • Manage information appropriately by using lists and tables.
  • Number - on-going addition, subtraction, multiplication exposure.
  • Continue to be able to explain our thinking/strategies used.
  • 3D Shape - name, edges, faces, vertices, roll, not roll, stack, not stack.
  • Time - analogue and digital. O'clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to, 5 minute intervals, periods of time,
  • 1 hour later, after, earlier, before.
  • How many minutes make an hour, half hour, quarter of an hour etc.



  • Our new topic is SUPERHEROES
  • Real life superheroes and why they are superheroes. Fictional superheroes.


  • PDMU  - Word of the month  - Trust


Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

  • Managing Information




Working together creating non-chronological reports

Amazing Animals - Being Creative - using equipment to make animals

"Groups of..." Multiplying


Effective Questioning


Some helpful questions to ask children during homework activities:


Before beginning:

  • How are you going to tackle this?

  • What information do you have? What do you need to find out or do?

  • What operation/s are you going to use?

  • Will you do it mentally, with pencil and paper, using a number line, with a calculator…? Why?

  • What method are you going to use? Why?

  • What equipment will you need?

  • What questions will you need to ask?

  • How are you going to record what you are doing?

  • What do you think the answer or result will be?

  • Can you estimate or predict?


Make positive interventions to check progress while children are working, by asking:


  • Can you explain what you have done so far?

  • What else is there to do?

  • Why did you decide to use this method or do it this way?

  • Can you think of another method that might have worked?

  • Could there be a quicker way of doing this?

  • What do you mean by…?

  • What did you notice when…?

  • Why did you decide to organise your results like that?

  • Are you beginning to see a pattern?

  • Do you think that this would work with other numbers?

  • Have you thought of all the possibilities?

  • How can you be sure?


Ask children who are stuck:

  • Can you describe the problem in your own words?

  • Can you talk me through what you have done so far?

  • What did you do last time? What is different this time?

  • Is there something that you already know that might help?

  • Could you try it with simpler numbers… fewer numbers… using a number line…?

  • What about putting things in order?

  • Would a table help, or a picture/diagram/graph?

  • Why not make a guess and check if it works

  • Have you compared your work with anyone else’s?


When finished:

  • How did you get your answer?

  • Can you describe your method/pattern/rule to us all?

  • Can you explain why it works?

  • What could you try next?

  • Would it work with different numbers?

  • What if you had started with… rather than…?

  • What if you could only use…?

  • Is it a reasonable answer/result? What makes you say so?

  • How did you check it?

  • What have you learned or found out today?

  • If you were doing it again, what would you do differently?

  • Having done this, when could you use this method/information/idea again?

  • Did you use any new words today?

  • What do they mean?

In Primary 3/4 we are currently focusing on:

  • Our Literacy writing focus is Non-Chronological Reports.

  • we are continuing to read for meaning and understanding.

  • In Numeracy we will be learning about Data Handling, Shape and Patterns, Multiplication and number bonds within 20

  • Our World Around Us topic Amazing Animals.

  • Our Problem Solving focus is 'Finding all possibilities’.

  • Our Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities focus is ‘Being Creative’.

Finally - Our Autumn Walk! We connected our learning by observing natural and man-made.

Guess, Check and Improve. Problem Solving

Art using images of natural material - look closely. Working Together.



Welcome to Primary3/4. We hope you enjoy visiting our page.


This half term we are focussing on:-


Literacy -

  • understanding what we read
  • word recognition, sentence structure, paragraphs, fluency and expression
  • being able to write a recount -
  • does it:-
  • have a who, what, where, when, why element,
  • have a beginning, middle, end
  • include paragraphs,
    Is it:-
  • written in the past tense,
  • written in chronological order


Numeracy -

  • the importance of place value
  • ordering, sequencing numbers
  • addition/subtraction within 20 and beyond
  • 2D Shape, symmetry
  • Problem Solving - Finding all possibilities
  • weight
  • area


WAU - All Around Me

  • materials - natural, man-made
  • nature
  • weather
  • connecting our learning



Internet Safety, Anti-Bullying, Friendship, Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities (Being Creative)




Leaf Area - We collected leaves. Using cubes we got to investigate the area. After, we got to choose an item of our own.

Problem Solving - Act it out. We used the sunflowers to help us discuss shortest to tallest. We had to order them. Then in groups we had to put ourselves in order.

All Around Our School - We went for a walk to discover all the natural and man-made things our school has. Look at all the things we discovered.
