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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Primary 4/5/6 Starbursts

A few examples of our ICT Task- 'My Hero' by Meádbh, Holly and Caelan

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Holy Communion

Mental Health Week 2021- This week we are aiming to:


  • Experience nature: Take a moment to celebrate nature in your daily life.
  • Share nature: Share the connections you’ve made, to inspire others.
  • Talk about nature: Encourage people to find ways to connect with nature in your local environment.

Happy Easter




 Literacy:  This month our genre focus will be on Non-Chronological Reports. We will be writing reports to document and organise information.


We will be working to ensure our reports include:

  • A Title/Heading
  • Subheadings
  • Pictures
  • Diagrams
  • Labels
  • Captions
  • Facts not opinions
  • Technical vocabulary
  • Organised into paragraphs
  • Varied sentence openers


Numeracy:  This month we will be revising column addition, subtraction and multiplication. We will be exploring the relationship between 2D and 3D shapes. We will reflect a shape or design using lines of symmetry (horizontal, vertical and diagonal). We will sort, name, recognise and describe 3D shapes, using number of faces, number and length of edges, number of vertices.


Our problem solving strategy will be, ‘Make a list or table’.


WAU:  Our new topic will be ‘Birds, Bugs and Beasts’. 


PDMU:  Our PDMU word of the month is ‘Forgiveness’. It is important to teach Children to forgive and to be forgiven, to move on from past things, to have a healthier mindset.


Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities:  Our TS&PC focus will be ‘Being Creative’.

A Christmas Message to our Buddies

Christmas Dinner Day!

Movers of the Week, again!

Movers of the Week!

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week 2020: United Against Bullying. Children wore odd socks to school to highlight that we are all unique!

Ditch the Dark

Designing Maths Games

Eco-Council Elections


Today our elections took place in class. Well done to the boys and girls who put themselves forward for the role. They have some fantastic ideas to make our school a more ecofriendly place.

The votes have been counted and the new representatives for our class are very excited! I can’t wait to have our first meeting and make an action plan.


Student Council Elections


Today our elections took place in class. Very well done to the boys and girls who put themselves forward for the role; Caelan, Marianne, Maya, Emily, Aaron, Nathan, Aidan, Riley, Thomas, Sarah-Ann, Ryan and Clodagh. The Children stood up in front of the whole class and gave a speech which explained the qualities they possess which make them great representatives. They have some fantastic ideas which would make our school an even better place to learn.

The votes have been counted and the new representatives for our class are just delighted!


Primary 6 Children have a message for their new P1 Buddy!



This week as part of our PDMU lessons we have been reflecting on how life has changed for us all since the start of Covid-19. We have paid particular attention to:


P4/5/6 decided that the most important life lessons are:


  1. Family is the most important thing in the World
  2. Your health is your wealth
  3. It is important to be patient
  4. We have lots to be grateful for!

Online Internet Safety
