Well done to Orrin and Maedbh for commenting on 'The sun has got his hat on'!
Have you heard the news or your family talking about 'bubbles'? You have been keeping safe in your family bubble for these past number of weeks and when you return to school your new classroom will be like a new 'bubble' for you. For our final full week of school I’d like you to try the following on Junior Newsdesk - it’s about the bubbles we all love!
Please use the MY SCHOOL log in details sent home in your target books.
Go to Useful links
1 Click on P1-P7 My School Link
2 Enter your child's USERNAME
3 Enter your child's PASSWORD
4 Click on NEWSDESK
5 Click Go to Junior Newsdesk
6 Search for 'Blowing Bubbles'
7 Watch the short video before reading the story.
8 Press play to listen and scroll down as the person is speaking.
9 Perhaps you could make some bubbles / maybe try the bubble painting activity.
10 Ask an adult to take a photo of your painting and upload it to the Competition section.
11 Try the other suggested activities in this section too.
12 Ask an adult to help you to send a comment to Newsdesk.