Monday 1st February
We are recapping on verbs. A verb is an action, something that you do.
Adults - perform some actions and get your child to guess what you are doing. We have great fun with this in class, then swap.
Monday 1st February
Groups of/x tables
Tuesday 2nd February
Mini Project - to Friday or longer if needed.
Read the power-point to your child. Discuss nocturnal animals and what that means. Choose a nocturnal animal you want to do a report on. Design your report. Maybe you could even make the animal using junk material if you wish.
Tuesday 2nd February
Wednesday 3rd February
Recapping on adjectives.
A word used to describe a noun.
Choose an animal you would like to describe from the ones attached.
Wednesday 3rd February
We are learning to find the difference between two numbers.
Count how many in between. Count on. Subtract. Which is best? What works for you?
Watch power-point first.
Thursday 4th February
Literacy - continue with nocturnal animal work.
Choose 3 animals and write a sentence for each one.
Make sure your sentence has a noun, verb and adjective in it.
eg: The cuddly koala climbed up the tree.
The big dog barked at the postman.
Numeracy 4th February
Finding the difference.
Friday 5th February
Literacy - work on project.
Spot your spelling sound. Yellow Yo-Yos can listen to an adult and shout out when they hear and u-e word.
other groups colour appropriate word.
Friday 5th February
Numeracy - Reason logically.
This month we are learning about how to reason logically. When we are faced with a problem we have to use our thinking skills and see what we could do to help. We could try different things to see what works best and not give up.