Morning Boys, Girls, Mums and Dads,
Today is the last day of 'home-school'.You have made it! Well done!
This morning we will have our last zoom assembly at 11am. I cannot wait to welcome you back to class on Monday. We can chat about this on zoom and it will give you a chance to ask me any questions you may have. I have lots of nice activities planned to ease us back in.
Don't forget to think about your comment for Thomas, our Star of the Week.
Miss Byrne
Good Morning Everyone,
I hope you enjoyed St. Patrick's Day, the weather was beautiful.
I am sure you have heard the good news, we will be back in class on Monday. I am so looking forward to seeing you all. We will have a lovely week together in school before we are off for Easter break.
Miss Byrne
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Tuesday 16th March
Good Morning Everyone,
Our new PE zoom time for Primary 4-7 children is 10am. I hope to see you all there!
Remember you are all off tomorrow to enjoy St. Patrick's Day!
Miss Byrne
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Monday 15th March
Good Morning Everyone,
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Happy Birthday Daniel, enjoy your day!
Miss Byrne
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