Week beginning Monday 22nd February Explanation Writing
We are going to be looking at Explanations for a few weeks and then Instructional writing for our new genres. They are both very similar. We are starting with Explanation. When you explain something to a person you try to give them as much information you can to help them. I have added a sheet with some ideas that you can do orally with your child to help establish the idea.
We are going to start with a simple explanation of The Life Cycle of a frog. (I have included some examples for parents. The children do not have to have all the features as we are only beginning. It is for your reference only.)
Discuss the power point together. Complete the simple worksheet explaining the process.
(If you are my P4 from last year you could choose to do a butterfly or ladybird instead.)
YY complete sheet one. PP complete sheet 2.
RR, GG, BB - use sheet as a basis and complete the explanation in your book. How are you going to lay it out?
Challenge - the frog goes through a complete transformation. It doesn't look anything like it was as a baby. Can you find the big word for this and use it in your work?
Monday 22nd February Literacy
We are learning about antonyms and synonyms. They are just big fancy words for opposites and similar.
Antonyms are opposite words.
Synonyms are similar words. (See poster)
Monday 22nd February - Numeracy
Using our knowledge of 10 to calculate answers.
Choose which sheet you would like to do. You do not need to do them all.
Tuesday 23rd February - Literacy
Yellow Yoyos, Purple Panthers - rhyming words.
All - Antonyms using un. Discuss words on pictures. Explain opposites this time begin with putting un in front. If you wish they can be printed out and matched, however you may also do them orally or write them in your book to save printing.
Happy - unhappy
Kind - unkind.
Tuesday 23rd February - Numeracy
Smarty Pants can use first money sheet and 3 letter animals.
Clever Clogs can use 4 letter animals and first or second money sheet.
Bright Sparks can use more letter animals and larger money amounts. Again you don't have to print you can record in your book. You can use real coins too if you wish.
Wednesday 24th February - Numeracy
Finish your money animals from yesterday or choose another sheet to complete.
Play a linked Topmarks money game.
Thursday 25th February - Numeracy
Doubling challenge cards - Clever Clogs and Bright Sparks can work through what they are comfortable with. Ask how did they get their answer for the more challenging ones? What strategy did they use?
Double sheets - Smarty Pants. How did you get your answer?
Discuss the connection with the 2x tables.
Friday 26th February - Literacy
Ask your helper to call out 3-5 simple sentences that contain your spellings for this week.
Complete any unfinished work.
International Polar Bear Day 27th February
WAU - Finish your simple explanation on what we can do to help the Polar Bears.
Friday 26th February - Numeracy
Reason Logically. Work through the questions thinking about the answers. Remember they don't have to be done in order. what is a good place to start? Why?
WAU - World Around Us
This is the last week of our Amazing Animals topic.
What a great way to end it by celebrating International Polar Bear Day.
I would like you to explain to someone who doesn't know about this day why it is important and all the different things we can do to help the Polar Bear.
How are you going to present it? Do you have a title? Are you using headings? Are you using words like: first, also, next. What way are you going to finish it? Have you included a picture/illustration?
Grow in Love:
Lent began on Ash Wednesday, which was the day after Pancake Tuesday. If we were in school we would have had a special Mass with Canon Powell and we would have received ashes on our foreheads. It is the start of a very important time in the Christian Calendar.
Lent leads up to Easter, the time that Christians remember Jesus’ death and resurrection. Lent is 40 days long (not including Sundays).
LENT is what we do. What have you decided to do that will make you a better person? How are you going to be God's helper? What should you do if you make a wrong choice?