Please remember any activities that I post on our P1 page are only suggestions. Please do what you can. If you or your child needs a break, please take one and go back to your activity later or even on another day. The most important activities for P1 in terms of home learning is mental maths and reading. I can't stress how important reading is and five to 10 minutes of reading every day will make such a difference. Thank you.
- Say one 'Hail Mary' or a decade of the Rosary every morning for you, your family and your friends.
- Say your 'School Prayer' at 11am every morning for those who are working hard in our hospitals and all key workers.
- Say your 'Night Prayer' before you go to sleep.
- Say the days of the week every morning and tell an adult which day it is.
- Sing the alphabet.
- Read - Collins Big Cat Reading books and your favourite library book. Remember to click on the 'Libby' link to borrow e-books from your library or click on the 'Amazon audio books' link to listen to some stories.
- RMeasimaths.
- Continue to take some form of exercise. Remember to check the Sustrans tasks, which I update every week.
- Eat your healthy break.
- Go for a walk. Look for things that are the colours of the rainbow! Can you find the colours that are in the rainbow song? Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange and blue!
- Hug your family.
- Be kind.
- Be thankful.
- Be happy.
- Be creative.
- Be helpful around the house.
- Have fun!