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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

Home Page

Miss Hoy's Dolly Mixtures

Thanks for all your gifts, cards and wishes. Greatly appreciated. laugh

 Have a lovely summer everyone! I will miss you all.

Take care and stay safe. heart

Farewell and good luck to our P7 pupils!

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Welcome to our page. We hope you enjoy looking at our photos and video clips as much as we do!

Please click on our icons below to see more! Thank you.


Please remember to bring in a raincoat and wellington boots that you can keep in school.

We will be using these during our outdoor Activity-based learning.  Thank you.  



Congratulations on your “Golden Jubilee” Canon Powell!

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Happy Easter!

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Happy Mother’s Day!

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We will miss you!

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Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

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Happy heart day!

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Merry Christmas everyone!

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W.A.L.T. Recognise items which are heavy or light


Maths Week 2021

We used the bowling game to practise our counting and addition skills! 

We went shopping as spooky characters in the 'Potion Shop'!  We created our shopping lists then used 1p and 2p coins to buy items for our potions.

We like to work outside for Numeracy too!  We played counting games and hunted for shapes.  We made shapes with natural materials. 

We are learning to play lots of numeracy games!

We are learning to tell our left from our right!

As part of our homework we looked for treasures from nature. We had so much fun exploring these!

If I go for a walk, what will mother nature leave for me?

If I go to the beach, what treasures will the sea wash ashore for me?

If I go to the woods, what will the winds blow in?

What will the fairies sprinkle or the giants drop?

I’ll POP them into my bag!

We are working on our letter formation!

We are artists! Look at our self portraits!

W.A.L.T. Count sets of objects

W.A.L.T. Create pictures of ourselves with natural materials

W.A.L.T. Sequence numbers

We have had lots of fun during our first week!

Primary One's first day of school!
