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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

Home Page

Primary 6/7 Smarties

Welcome to the Primary 6/7 class page.

We hope you enjoy viewing our photos and sampling some of the fun we have been having.

Presenting our slideshow to persuade Mr Tighe to visit our country


This month the Primary 6/7 class will be:



Our final writing focus this year will be narrative writing.




We will be focussing on real life examples of data handling, use of money and measure



World Around Us;

Our final  World Around Us topic is Our World

Some of the activities we will be doing include:


  • Researching one country in order to be able to create an advertising campaign to encourage people to visit
  • Focus on European countries and capital cities
  • Take part in the Belfast Telegraph World Cup project.


Designing and building our Victorian bridges

Using our Persuasive language to launch our new cereal product and to win the APPRENTICE

Debating our points using our persuasive language
