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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Daily note from Miss Hoy

5th April - Today is Palm Sunday boys and girls! Usually we get palms at mass but not this year. Instead, why don't you make one at home and put it in your window. I've added a few powerpoints below for you to look at with your family. Have a good day. Stay safe. heart

4th April - Good morning everyone - it's the weekend! laugh

Your calendar says that you need to do something fun with your family. You deserve it, after working hard all week.

I hope you do lots and lots of fun things today. Maybe you'll send in some of your fun pics. Remember to keep safe. Enjoy! heart

3rd April - Good morning boys and girls! On the Lent Calendar of Kindness it says, ‘Tell your teacher how great they are!’ yes

I miss all the little compliments you gave me on a daily basis-for example, you complimented my clothes, my footwear, my handwriting and even my drawings! The list could go on-you were very kind. smiley

I would just like to say boys and girls, as I used to say everyday, that you are a GREAT bunch of children! Plus, I’d like you to tell your parents/guardians how great they are too! Have a GREAT day! heart

2nd April - Good morning everyone! Today your calendar of kindness tells you to give thanks for your food and to pray for children who are hungry. Look at your Trócaire box.  Can you see Joy-Faith who is 6 and Jocsan (5)? Jocsan is the same age as most of you and Joy-Faith a year older. We can only imagine what it would be like to live where they live. During Lent you are helping them, by kindly donating some of your money. smiley


If possible, would you light a little battery candle or one on our Grow in Love website and say a wee prayer, so all children around the world may have basic things in life, like enough food or clean water.

Below is a little prayer I came across. 


Loving God,

Help us to work together to share what we have so that everyone has what they need.

Help us to build a better world where each of us can become the best person we can be. Amen


Have a lovely day. Take care. heart

1st April - it's April fools day boys and girls! By the time you read this someone has probably fooled you or told  a wee joke or two. For all you children who ate 'frubes' at lunch time, I miss reading the jokes to you! If you have any frubes at home, enjoy reading them today.  I hope you have lots of fun but remember to be kind. Enjoy!  smiley

31st March - Good morning boys and girls. I can’t believe it’s the last day of March!

Today’s calendar tells us to thank God for the creatures we share our planet with. How many creatures can you name? Big or small? Why not go outside into your garden to look for some tiny creatures! When I was little, any time my daddy was digging the garden, I used to lift up the worms and put them in a bucket - one time I collected 100! I put them back though as they have an important job to do. Maybe you could try to find some worms today - how about 9, our new number! I’ve added a link below about worms - a nice distraction from the rest of your work! Enjoy your day. heart

I went out for a walk today and met some of God’s creatures. Lots of dogs with their owners, a variety of birds plus check the videos below. Thank you. smiley

Grey squirrel

Still image for this video

A family of 3!

Still image for this video

30th March - Good morning boys and girls. Just a wee note to say that I posted your Easter colouring competition entries last week. Hopefully The Society of Missionary Children will have them by now. Don’t worry if you don’t win - you are all winners in my eyes! Have a good day. Take care. heart

29th March - I hope you’re not too tired after losing an hour with the clocks going forward! 😑 

Today your Lent calendar asks you to pray for children who don’t have any homes. As well as that, try to say a wee prayer of thanks for your home, your family and your friends. Have a lovely relaxing Sunday boys and girls. Stay safe. ❤️ 
