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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Primary 2/3 Gummy Bears

We are learning to make movies with iMotion

Still image for this video

We are making a minibeast hotel from junk and natural materials



This month we are learning to:

  • Identify and suggest rhyming words.
  • Identify the characters, setting, plot and props in a story.
  • Identify the beginning, middle and end of a story.
  • Create our own stories.
  • Numeracy

This month we are learning to:

  • Count forwards and backwards in tens from any number.
  • Add 3 numbers.
  • Count quantities of money to the value of 50p.
  • Give change from 10p.
  • Find half of numbers to 10.
  • Make numbers using Tens and Units.

World Around Us

This month we are:

  • Learning to identify minibeasts.
  • Exploring minibeast habitats.
    Thinking skills and personal capabilities
    This month we are learning to ‘Problem solve and make decisions’
  • We can memorise and recall experiences and stories.
  • We can make observations and describe things.
  • We can sequence and order events.
  • We can sort.
  • We can make predictions and see possibilities.
  • We can give reasons and opinions.
  • We can ask different types of questions.

We followed instructions to make a card

We followed instructions to make an 'Easter Bunny' craft.



This month we are learning to:

  • Identify and suggest rhyming words.
  • Explain how or why something happens or works.
  • Create a flow chart. 
  •  Numeracy

This month we are learning to:

  • Solve problems which involve adding, doubles and taking away.
  • Count quantities of money to the value of 50p.
  • Give change from 10p.
  • Find half of numbers to 10.


World Around Us

This month we are:

  • Exploring homes from the past.
  • Exploring homes around the world.
    Thinking skills and personal capabilities
    This month we are learning to ‘Manage Information’
  • We can work with a focus and respond to questions.
  • We can select information with help.
  • We can follow directions.
  • We can begin to plan.
  • We can record information.



This month we are learning to:

  • Identify and suggest rhyming words.

  • Explain how or why something happens or works.

  • Write ‘explanations’.

  • Develop our inference skills.


This month we are learning to:

  • Solve problems which involve adding, doubles and taking away.

  • Identify 3D shapes and their properties.

  • Give change

  • Solve problems based on the strategy ‘Make a list or table’.

World Around Us

This month we are:

  • Beginning our new topic ‘Houses and Homes’

  • Exploring different types of houses.


    Thinking skills and personal capabilities

    This month we are learning to ‘Manage Information’

  • We can work with a focus and respond to questions.

  • We can select information with help.

  • We can follow directions.

  • We can begin to plan.

  • We can record information.

We took part in 'The Big Garden Birdwatch'

We are using the IPad and games to learn o'clock and half past times



This month we are learning to:

  • Read and spell High Frequency words, CVC words and words with –ch, -sh, -ck

  • Identify and suggest rhyming words.

  • Read and write non-chronological reports.


This month we are learning to:

  • Solve problems which involved adding and taking away.

  • Identify 3D shapes.

  • Read, write and draw o’clock and half past times in analogue and digital.

  • Solve problems based on the strategy ‘Draw a picture’.

World Around Us

This month we are:

  • Investigating the role of the ‘Architect’, ‘Builder’, ‘Electrician’ and ‘Plumber’.

  • Designing our own buildings.


    Thinking skills and personal capabilities

    This month we are learning to ‘Be Creative’

  • We can use our creativity when playing.

  • We can experiment with our ideas when drawing, writing and making.

  • We are willing to take on new challenges.

  • We can be curious and ask questions.

  • We can talk about our memories and experiences.

  • We enjoy learning new things.

We are learning to make repeating patterns with natural materials



This month we are learning to:

  • Read and spell High Frequency words, CVC words and CCVCC words

  • Identify and suggest rhyming words.

  • Read and write non-chronological reports.


This month we are learning to:

  • Recall number stories.

  • Find the cost of 2 items and pay with 2p and 1p coins.

  • Read and write o’clock and half past times in analogue and digital.

  • Solve problems based on the strategy ‘Find all possibilities’.

World Around Us

This month we are:

  • Beginning our new topic ‘Construction and Buildings’

  • Exploring local buildings.

  • Taking part in the ‘Big Garden Bird Watch’


    Thinking skills and personal capabilities

    This month we are learning to ‘Be Creative’

  • We can use our creativity when playing.

  • We can experiment with our ideas when drawing, writing and making.

  • We are willing to take on new challenges.

  • We can be curious and ask questions.

  • We can talk about our memories and experiences.

  • We enjoy learning new things.



This month we are learning to:

  • Read and spell High Frequency words, CVC words and CVCC words

  • Identify and suggest rhyming words

  • Use persuasive language orally and in writing


This month we are learning to:

  • Recognise, read and write numbers within 20/50

  • Count in twos

  • Explore number stories

  • Solve problems based on the strategy ‘Make a conjecture’ (an idea which we think is true but have not yet proved)

World Around Us

This month we are:

  • Beginning our new topic ‘Christmas’

  • Exploring Christmas traditions


    Thinking skills and personal capabilities

    This month we are learning to:

  • Work and play co-operatively

  • Develop routines of listening, turn-taking, sharing, co-operating and reaching agreement

  • Enhance our learning through demonstrating and modelling

  • Be aware of how our actions can affect others

  • Develop our confidence around others in a variety of contexts






We are learning to ‘read between the lines’ to understand things that might not be directly stated by the author. Making inferences means making a guess based on information.


Below are some questions which may be useful when reading your reading book and library book.

  • How does the character feel? How do you know?

  • Why do they behave like that?

  • What might they be thinking? Why do you think this?

  • Why do you think this happened?

  • How do you think that happened?





Effective questioning within numeracy


Please find below questions which you could use to assist your child during the mathematical aspect of their homework. They will help to develop mathematical vocabulary and your child’s ability to explain their thinking.


Ask children who are getting started with a piece of work:

  • How are you going to tackle this?

  • What do you need to do?

  • Will you do it mentally, with pencil and paper, using a number line? Why?

  • What equipment will you need?

  • Can you estimate or predict?


Make positive interventions to check progress while children are working, by asking:

  • Can you explain what you have done so far?

  • Why did you decide to use this method or do it this way?

  • Can you think of another method that might have worked?

  • Could there be a quicker way of doing this?

  • Are you beginning to see a pattern?

  • Do you think that this would work with other numbers?


Ask children who are stuck:

  • Can you talk me through what you have done so far?

  • Could you try it using a number line…?



As your child is finishing their work:

  • How did you get your answer?

  • Can you describe your method/pattern/rule to us all?

  • Can you explain why it works?

  • What could you try next?

  • Would it work with different numbers?

  • What if you had started with… rather than…?

  • Is it a reasonable answer/result? What makes you say so?

  • How did you check it?

  • What have you learned or found out today?

  • If you were doing it again, what would you do differently?

  • Having done this, when could you use this method/information/idea again?

  • Did you use any new words today?

  • What do they mean?

  • What are the key points or ideas that you need to remember for the next time?

We looked for 2D and 3D shapes outdoors during 'Maths Week'!

Looking for signs of Autumn

We had to 'Guess, check and improve' upon which items were heaviest /lightest



This month we are learning to:

  • Spell CVC words e.g. hat, box, sit etc.

  • Read and spell High Frequency words.

  • Identify and suggest rhyming words.

  • Recount orally and in writing, activities we do and stories we read.


This month we are learning to:

  • Recognise, read and write numbers within 20/50.

  • Add 0, 1 and 2 within 10/20.

  • Read o’clock times in analogue and digital.

  • Solve problems based on the strategy ‘Using equipment and acting out’, ‘Guess, check and improve’.

World Around Us

This month we are:

  • Recalling our birthday traditions.

  • Exploring Halloween and Divali.


    Thinking skills and personal capabilities

    This month we are learning to:

  • Talk about what we are doing and what we have learned.

  • Focus and persist with tasks.

  • Talk about our likes and dislikes.

  • Make choices and decisions.

  • Ask for help from a friend, my teacher or teaching assistant.

We are learning to use the listening centre

We are learning to draw a self portrait on the Interactive White Board
