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St Colman's Bann Primary School

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Final challenges!

28th June - It saddens me that this is my last daily note of the school year! sad Enjoy your well deserved break everyone! smiley May your summer be filled with peace, happiness, love and good health. Take care and stay safe. heart

27th June - Good morning boys and girls. It’s Saturday! See riddle answers below. It was great to see you yesterday! You are all getting tall! I challenge you today, to make time for the little things that bring you joy! Have a lovely day! heart

26th June - Good morning boys and girls. It’s Friday! Yesterday’s answers are: tree, grass / soil.
I found these riddles in school yesterday (when I was sorting out some very old resources of mine!wink I’d love you and your parents to have a go at trying to solve them. Some of the staff found number 1 and number 4 very difficult! Good luck!heart


1. What is she? 

Little Miss Netticoat

In a white petticoat,

And a red nose.

The longer she stands,

The shorter she grows. 
A candle


2. What is this? 

I have one eye

But I cannot see.

What is the name

You give to me?

A needle


3. What is this?

I have a bark

But cannot bite.

Think very hard

Then guess me right.

A tree


4. What is this?

I pop my head up through the grass

Wearing my round white bonnet.

I have a pleated lining 

And perhaps a dew drop on it. 
A mushroom

5. What is this?

I am purple and prickly

And one windy day,

I’ll take off my plumey hat

And let it float away. 
A thistle

25th June - Good morning boys and girls. Today’s challenge is a WAU one. All of us have been lucky to enjoy time in our gardens. Today I challenge you to answer these riddles. Everything can be found in your garden. Good luck. heart

24th June - Good morning boys and girls. Did you make the word ‘cow’ / try to draw one?wink

Today’s challenge is a creative one. A famous artist called Kandinsky used circles to inspire him to paint this picture.

What do you notice about the circles? I challenge you to create your own art with circles or any other shape. Have fun!heart


P.S. Today is the birthday of St. John the Baptist. He was related to Jesus and he also baptised Jesus in the river Jordan. If you know anyone called John, say a wee prayer for them. heart

23rd June - Good morning boys and girls. Today’s challenge is a Literacy / WAU one. Look at the letters below.

When you rearrange them they will spell the name of a farm animal. Try to do it independently and after, have a go at following the instructions below to draw one. Enjoy! heart

Answers to yesterday’s challenge.



22nd June - Good morning boys and girls.

Today’s challenge is a Numeracy one. Using only these 3 cubes, how many towers can you make? The towers must be 3 cubes high and all different. Draw your answers. Good luck. heart

21st June - Good morning boys and girls. It's Sunday again and it's also Father's Day! Praying for all dads today especially my own daddy who is with God in Heaven.heart 

Today we should be having our family fun day! I'd like to thank the Friends of St. Colman's Bann for everything they've done for our school over the years!laugh Have a lovely family fun day, whatever you do. Enjoy!heart
