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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Junior Newsdesk 8

Well done to Maedbh for commenting on 'Spring on the farm' last week!  yes


I know some of you have been gardening and planting different things. I bought some cress seeds at the weekend. In order to plant them, I will need to follow instructions. This links to our Literacy!laugh This week I’d like you to try the following on Junior Newsdesk. 

Please use the MY SCHOOL log in details sent home in your target books. 

Go to Useful links 

1. Click on P1-P7 My School Link

2. Enter your child's USERNAME

3. Enter your child's PASSWORD

4. Click on NEWSDESK

5. Click Go to Junior Newsdesk

6. Search for How does your garden grow?

7.  Watch the short video first.

8. Click the play icon to listen to the story. Scroll down the page as the person talks. 

9. Ask an adult to help you to send a comment to Newsdesk.

Just a wee reminder about internet safety below.

Well done Maedbh!
