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St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

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Mrs Reavey's Flying Saucers

Children of the World

Tree of Light

Happy Birthday Clara!

Still image for this video



This month we will be focusing on the following areas of learning.

Literacy -   Genre - Perasuasion. We will look at what persuasion means, the different ways there are of persuading others. Letters, balanced arguments, for and against, advertisements, posters,  tv, radio, social media. We will talk about the age group they are meant for. Children will be introduced to the language of persuasion -  Firstly, secondly, also, i feel that, in my opinion, finally. 

We will read The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark and see how Plop the baby owl is persuaded to like the dark by the end of the story.

Reading and spelling of commonly used high frequency words.

Understanding of what we read. 
Continuing with nouns and verbs and adjectives.  Sentence structure.



Numeracy - ongoing - revision of simple adding, subtracting and appropriate symbols. Understanding that addition can be done in any order but subtraction can’t.

Counting in 2s, 5s, 10, forwards and backwards. Even and odd. MM as on weekly sheet.

Use of a variety of strategies to solve problems and be able to explain their thought process. 

The importance of Place value - groups of 10/100

Representing numbers by expanding/partitioning eg 387 is 300 +80 +7

48 is 40 + 8

Use topmarks games to reinforce.

Money - amounts, change, shopkeepers method of counting on, solving problems.


Problem Solving - Using equipment and Acting it out. How this can help us get unstuck when faced with challenges.



Personal Development and Mutual Understanding - Resilience

What are you afraid of? - WAU connection.

Anti-Bullying Week - A word of Kindness



World Around Us topic - Light and Dark. 

Connected to The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark.

Sources of light. Naturl/Artificial light. Shadows. Day/Night. Reflections. 


Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities - Being Creative. Thinking differently. Trying new angles.

Giving things a go.



All missing you - Get well soon!



This half term we will be focusing on the following areas of learning.

Literacy -   Genre - We will continue with Recount writing. We will look at beginning, middle and end. Correct order. Written in the past tense. Extending to who, what, why, where, when detail and use of connecting words.

Reading and spelling of commonly used high frequency words.

Understanding of what we read. 
continuing with nouns and verbs. Sentence structure.

Amazing Adjectives - children will try to use an adjective when explaining or writing a sentence to enhance it. We will discuss differtent categories adjectives might fit into like: feelings, colours, size, touch and spooky adjectives especially for Halloween!


Numeracy - revision of simple adding, subtracting and appropriate symbols. Understanding that addition can be done in any order but subtraction can’t.

Counting in 2s, 5s, 10, forwards and backwards. Even and odd.

Use of a variety of strategies to solve problems and be able to explain their thought process. 
2D shape and their properties

Learning what consecutive and non-consecutive numbers are. 

The importance of Place value - groups of 10/100

Representing numbers by expanding/partitioning eg 387 is 300 +80 +7

48 is 40 + 8

Use topmarks games to reinforce.

Symmetry - leaf, shape, letters etc, sorting symmetrical/ asymmetrical objects



Personal Development and Mutual Understanding - Kindness

Have you filled a bucket today? - (this is available to watch on youtube) emphasizing how what we do or say can help another person feel good about themselves.

World Mental Health Day 10th October


World Around Us topic - All Change. Children will look at changes in history, local area, themselves and materials. We will make toast (yum! the children enjoy this so much every year.) and discuss permanent and reversible changes.


Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities - Self Management in a variety of situations and settings.


