Home Page

St Colman's Bann Primary School

Jesus Others Yourself

Home Page

Miss Hoy's Dolly Mixtures

Thanks for all your gifts, cards and wishes.

Greatly appreciated. 

 Have a lovely summer everyone! I will miss you all.

Take care and stay safe.

Miss Hoyheart

Welcome to our P1 Page.


Below you can see an overview of what we will be learning. This will be updated on a monthly basis. You can also view photos and videos of our learning and fun times together by clicking on the icons below. We hope you love looking at our photos and video clips as much as we do. ENJOY!smiley

Please remember to bring in a painting apron, a raincoat and wellington boots that you can keep in school. We will be using these during our indoor and outdoor Activity-based learning.  Thank you. smiley 
